Monday, December 30, 2019

Jack as Symbol of Anarchy and Savagery in Lord of the Flies

Jack as Symbol of Anarchy and Savagery in Lord of the Fliesnbsp; nbsp; nbsp;Goldings motives for choosing the island setting for the novel, Lord of the Flies was to have the characters isolated, where the laws of their governments could not reach them.nbsp; The boys on the island represented a microcosm of world society.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Golding chose children because they have not yet been fully conditioned by society to understand right from wrong, and thus are guided by their instinct and what is inherent within them.nbsp; Golding uses a great deal of symbolism throughout the novel.nbsp; Different characters provide different symbols.nbsp; Jack is a symbol of savagery and anarchy.nbsp; Golding relates the inherent evil†¦show more content†¦Jack has undergone a metamorphosis from a civilized human to a savage boy.nbsp; The fire set by Jack to burn Ralph out was meant for evil but ended with a rescue.nbsp; nbsp; nbsp;In the beginning of the story Jack, still conditioned by society, nbsp;could not bear to kill a pig that was caught in the brush.nbsp; As the plot progresses he becomes less and less attached to any societal norms.nbsp; Near the end, he feels no shame about the deaths of Simon and Piggy, or his attempt to kill Ralph. In Lord of the Flies Golding shows the reader that there is a certain capacity for evil that resides in man.nbsp; Jack displayed this clearly.nbsp; Jack proved that without societys rigid rules, anarchy and savagery would manifest.nbsp; nbsp; Comments: 1. You try to organize your paragraphs by time transitions, lumping all of the transitional aspects into one paragraph. This makes your paper appear to lack structure.nbsp; In order to avoid this confusion,Show MoreRelatedHow Do Humans Organise Themselves Through The Midst Of Chaos?1038 Words   |  5 PagesHow do humans organise themselves in the midst of chaos? The film ‘Day of the Triffids’, directed by Nick Copus, and the novel, ‘Lord of the Flies’, written by William Goulding, shows that when humans are faced with the prospect of chaos, most lean towards anarchy. However, some are able to hold onto the civilization that exists within themselves. 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In Lord Of The Flies a lot of things we encounter are given symbolic meaning by the way the author William Golding uses them. The book it’s self is named after a symbol, the words â€Å"Lord Of The Flies† translated means â€Å"Beelzebub† which is another word for â€Å"the devil† the book was named after the devil because evil has a large influenceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words   |  7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experience

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Strayer World History Chapter 11 - 2348 Words

Chapter 11: Chapter Outline The following annotated chapter outline will help you review the major topics covered in this chapter. Instructions: Review the outline to recall events and their relationships as presented in the chapter. Return to skim any sections that seem unfamiliar. I. Opening Vignette A. By the start of the twenty-first century, Islam had acquired a significant presence in the United States . 1. more than 1,200 mosques 2. about 8 million Muslims (some 2 million are African Americans) B. The second half of the twentieth century saw the growing international influence of Islam. C. Islam had already been prominent in the world between 600 and 1600. 1. encompassed parts of Africa, Europe, Middle†¦show more content†¦The Making of an Arab Empire A. The Arab state grew to include all or part of Egyptian, Roman/Byzantine, Persian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations. 1. many both in and out of Arab Empire converted to Islam 2. Arabic culture and language spread widely 3. Islam became a new third-wave civilization B. War and Conquest 1. Arabic conquests were a continuation of long-term raiding pattern 2. new level of political organization allowed greater mobilization 3. Byzantine and Persian empires were weakened by long wars and internal revolts 4. limits of Arab expansion: a. defeated Sassanid Empire in the 650s, took half of Byzantium b. in early 700s, conquered most of Spain , attacked France c. to the east, reached the Indus River d. in 751, Arabs crushed a Chinese army at the Battle of Talas River 5. reasons for expansion: a. economic: capture trade routes and agricultural regions b. individual Arabs sought wealth and social promotion c. communal: conquest helped hold the umma together d. religious: bring righteous government to the conquered 6. conquest was not too destructive a. Arab soldiers were restricted to garrison towns b. local elites and bureaucracies were incorporated into empire C. Conversion to Islam 1. initial conversion for many was â€Å"social conversion,† not deepShow MoreRelatedMkt 505 Courseguide6356 Words   |  26 PagesSupplemental Resources Colton, D.A., Roth, M.S. Bearden, W.O. (2010). Drivers of international e-Tail performance: The complexities of orientations and resources. Journal of International Marketing, 18(1), 1-22. Friedman, T. L. (2005). The World is flat 3.0: A brief history of the twenty-first century, New York, NY: Picador. McCue, S. (2006). Force to force: Building profitable e-commerce strategies. Mason, OH: Thomson Higher Education. Mulki, J., Jaramillo, J., Locanders, W. (2009). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Provinces of the Philippines and Local Markets Free Essays

Tapsilog is a popular Filipino dish commonly served for breakfast. The term is coined from combining the Filipino words tapa, sinangag, and itlog which are the main components of the dish. We chose to show how tapsilog can be geographical because we want to emphasize that anything can be geographical, and tapsilog, a common Filipino dish is usually not the kind of product that people would associate with geography. We will write a custom essay sample on Provinces of the Philippines and Local Markets or any similar topic only for you Order Now As mentioned, tapsilog is made up of tapa (dried meat), sinangag (fried rice) and itlog (egg), but it doesn’t stop there. Each ingredient is also made up of even more ingredients that we have traced to have originated from and traveled through different places in and out of the country before it reaches our plates. This further supports the idea that tapsilog, like every product, is geographical. Tapa, the first and main ingredient, is made from beef marinated in different spices. The beef is usually bought at the nearest local market by most cooks, but before reaching the local markets, it is first brought from a farmer’s market which is locally called bulungan or bagsakan. One example of this bagsakan is the Farmer’s Market Cubao from which its name was derived from. Slaughter houses and cow farms from different municipalities sell their product to the said farmer’s market. One of the biggest sources of cow meat in the Philippines is Padre Garcia, Batangas, the cattle trading capital of the Philippines, where they have the best temperature here in the country for raising cows. Cow breeders ensure that their livestock are bred well by supplying them with good feeds and steroids. Their diet usually contains well-grown grass and corn. The marinade consists of a blend of sugar, garlic, pepper, and salt, which are locally- found ingredients. The sugar comes from sugar mills like the San Carlos Bio Energy Inc. in Negros Occidental, while the sugarcanes are provided by small sugarcane farmers from Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Negros and Panay, or by large agricultural companies like Del Monte and DOLE. Pepper is mostly from small and big exporters from Batangas, Laguna, Quezon, Negros Occidental, Zamboanga and Davao. Garlic usually comes from Sinait, Ilocos Sur, the garlic center of the Philippines where they celebrate the Sinait Bawang Fest. Like the beef, the spices are brought from its respective farmer’s market before reaching the local markets. Sinangag is the term for Filipino fried rice. Rice, the main ingredient of sinangag, is also bought from local markets that got their stocks from the National Food Authority. The NFA serves as the biggest warehouse or post harvest facility here in the Philippines. Before reaching the NFA, rice is harvested from rice fields, especially in the province of Central Luzon or sometimes imported from Vietnam. Farmers exert effort in tilling the lands for their crops to grow and watching the seasons to find the best time to plant and harvest. Like tapa, sinangag is also composed of the spices discussed earlier. Egg, the last main ingredient in making a tapsilog, is also bought from local markets. Like the other ingredients, eggs are brought from farmer’s markets before reaching local markets, or sometimes large companies or poultry farms like Bounty Fresh Inc. , which is located in Bulacan. They directly deliver their egg products to local markets to maximize profit. Maintaining a poultry farm requires water, chicken feeds, hormones and supplements, and machines which are commonly imported from Japan. How to cite Provinces of the Philippines and Local Markets, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

David Archuleta free essay sample

David Archuleta’s self-titled debut album is one of those discs that never get old. If you are a fan of pop, soft ballads, or just good music to rock around your bedroom to, you will be starstruck. The album opens with the chart-topping song â€Å"Crush.† If Archuleta’s voice hasn’t captivated you after that number, the next few will most certainly leave you wanting more.Archuleta really brings â€Å"teen life† to his songs and speaks to his listeners about falling in love, the confusion of breaking up and, of course, â€Å"crushing,† which any teen can understand. Archuleta closes with the phenomenal â€Å"Angels,† originally sung by Robbie Williams. Slower tracks on the album (â€Å"You Can† and â€Å"To Be With You†) fit perfectly with the faster, more upbeat â€Å"Touch My Hand,† â€Å"Running,† and â€Å"Don’t Let Go.†What makes us fall head-over-heels in love with this 17-year-old rising star? Is it his voice? His talent? His charm? Normally, I listen to classic rock radio stations; I grew up with the music my dad played in the car. We will write a custom essay sample on David Archuleta or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I love bands like America and The Rolling Stones, so I never imagined I would love a pop singer like Archuleta. But his fantastic voice, upbeat attitude, and  ­conservative values really draw teens – and their parents – to this sensational new album.It doesn’t matter whether you are eight or 78: you will be able to relate to any song on the album. It’s worth your while to pick up a copy today.