Friday, February 28, 2020

Irish Scrappage Scheme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Irish Scrappage Scheme - Essay Example Recall that the questions we are concerned with are (i) whether the scrappage scheme has had a positive impact on the aggregate sales of cars in the domestic market and (ii) whether the introduction of the scrappage scheme has created a substitution effect from G and C band vehicles to A and B brand vehicles. The hypothesis and the basic setup In order to empirically examine these questions, the easiest and simplest methodology adoptable is that of using two different OLS regressions for cases (i) and (ii) to test whether the introduction of the scheme led to any significant departures in the time series observations of our dependent variables. As mentioned earlier, our dependent variable for case (i) are the quarterly car sales over the sample period of 2003 to 2010. Incorporating an indicator variable for the time periods which were under the coverage of the scrappage scheme as an independent variable, one can conceive an OLS specification to see if the there was a significant impact of the dummy on the dependent variable. However, in order to obtain precise, valid estimates it is crucial to control for other factors that may have influenced car sales during the sample period. To better understand the reasoning, consider the following regression: (1) represents the dependent variable, denotes the constant, i.e., the inte rcept, denotes the dummy for the scrappage scheme, represents a vector of controls and is the stochastic disturbance or the error term . can be defined as : And Thus, the coefficient signifies the impact of the scrappage scheme on the dependent variable . If we find is statistically significant from zero, the implication will be that the scrappage scheme had an impact. The sign on the coefficient will indicate the direction of the impact. Therefore, if the coefficient is found to be significant and positive, that will imply that the scrappage scheme led to an increase in the dependent variable . If on the other hand we find the coefficient to be negative, that will imply that the scrappage scheme led to a decline on the dependent variable. The coefficient vector includes the coefficients on the individual variables included as controls. The signs and significances of these coefficients will reveal the direction and importance of the control variables for the determination of the dep endent variable. Therefore, for case (i), we can take the time series of car sales as our dependent variable

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Elements of Design in Hectors Final Battle Research Paper - 3

Elements of Design in Hectors Final Battle - Research Paper Example The production designer is the one in charge of the overall look of the film. Production designers have to closely coordinate with the director and the producer (in terms of budget constraints) in order to select the most appropriate settings and style that would enable the film to tell the story (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011). Especially during pre-production, the production designer works closely with the film director to establish the particular aesthetic needs and the intended visual feel of the film. The production designer likewise works closely with the costume designer, the hair and make-up stylists, the special effects director, and the location manager to ensure the unified visual appearance of the movie. The role of the art director tends to blur with the responsibilities of the production designer. However, the art director’s main goal is to unify the overall visual appearance of the scenes in the film, making sure that these scenes are able to stimulate moods, contrast features, and appeal to the target audience psychologically (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2011). In the particular movie clip chose, the scene took place on an arid desert, presumably under the burning heat of the sun and the lighting used in this scene made the audience feel the â€Å"heat of the battle† even more. Thus, the sharp light of the sun conveyed feelings of passion and sheer hatred, which were the very feelings that Achilles felt at that moment, owing to the untimely death of his cousin. This particular setting likewise conveys the burning emotions in the hearts of the characters, from the anger in Achilles, to Hector’s desire to defend his honor, and even the pain felt by Hector’s family as they watch Hector walk into his death. All these aspects convey the message of the movie in terms of passion and honor. As the scene takes place in Ancient Greece, the costume designers no doubt took extra care and effort to make the characters’ costume as authentic as possible. Hector’s armor clad body signifies that he is a methodical fighter who takes great efforts to ensure that he is well protected in battle.