Friday, October 18, 2019

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Essay Example According to the author, Mark Twain’s remark that it is a â€Å"pity that the best part of life came at the beginning and the worst part at the end† has inspired him to write a story, in which he experiments a character who ages in the reverse order (1). The movie differs from the story in many aspects but it retains the basic premise of the protagonist aging backwards. The film’s theme departs drastically from the perceived notions of a Hollywood movie and explores a novel concept, thus making its viewing a unique experience for the audience. The movie, with its poignant themes, profound philosophical ideas and portrayal of love, will remain etched in the viewers’ mind long after they have watched it. The basic reason for my choice of this movie for my final paper is that I have always felt a close personal affinity to the story, which conceptualizes a man aging backwards. This reversal in nature’s process brings very interesting and bizarre consequences in his life. The main reason for my fascination for the movie stems from the fact that as a child, I used to fantasize how cool it will be to grow younger rather than older. Basically, I have felt that being different from other people could be a thrilling experience, especially in the context of ageing. Besides, the whole concept of the movie is so romantic, appealing to the senses of compassion and benevolence in me, especially the tender love of his foster mother for Ben when he during his ‘younger’ stages as an ugly old person. Also, the story postulates many idealistic philosophies that have inspired positive attitudes in me since I saw it as a 16 year old. The story has bred an understanding that the dis advantages in a person must not be considered as shortcomings. It has also made me realize that people whose traits do not fit into mainstream notion also deserve the same rights and considerations as any other person in this world, because

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