Monday, May 18, 2020
Techniques And Strategies Of Managing Finance Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 15 Words: 4495 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Introduction Within an organization, there lie the techniques, strategies, and processes being implemented by the people. Supposedly, the organization originated in the concept wherein the essential and key people are collected and working together in order to achieve one common goal. Due to the influence of globalization and its two faces: opportunity and challenges, the organization can be plagued with variety of issues. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Techniques And Strategies Of Managing Finance Finance Essay" essay for you Create order In the attempt of the organization to create a well founded plan for their future success, there are many areas that need to be considered. For over the years, different business analysts and researchers draw an interest in different aspect of organization. Namely organizational structure, organizational changes and challenges, long-term and short-term plans, roles and responsibilities of the people, corporate culture, organizational behavior, and many others. All of the idea comprised within the context of organizational research promotes the difference academic areas such as the psychology in human resource management, accountancy for accounting/audit department, finance management for finance department, etc. In addition, all of the concept drawn within the organization are supported with the theories and is currently applied among the successful organization and be part of their practice. Because of the broad discussion towards the organization, the study is attempting to summ arize or, rather, give an overview with the common topics, issues, or ideas, within the organization. The aim to describe the different important areas in organization was generated through the underlying principle regarding the success in businesses either domestically or foreign, or both business environment. Question 1 Irrespective of the size and type of organization, it is essential that strong interrelationships exist between organizational objectives, long term plans and performance measures if the organization is to be successful. As said earlier, the organization is the collection of people bearing with skills, knowledge, and if possible, experience. The invisible bind that holds the people together is through the formulation of certain objectives. Most of the organizational objectives are increasing the profit, quick pace on the return of investment, exploitation of the natural resources and the exploration of other options, development opportunities in the products and services, etc. On the other hand, the machines, materials, investments, and other natural resources are placed under the management and control. The roles and responsibilities of people are also emphasized and it is started through the proper selection of personnel. The increase in the performance of the employees are th ereby, supported by proper handling and management. All of the strategies and techniques applied are essential of overall management in an organization. And the management within the organization is implemented in various industries. Most of the organizations are formed by the individuals who are well oriented in the environment of their business as well as acknowledging the characters of the individuals. Moreover, the firms are often founded by the members of family and holding most of the top positions. In order to drive the business towards its success, the management there should be a strong interrelationship in between the organizational objectives, long-term plans and performance measures. The strong relationships within the organization provide conformance and compliance in all the aspect settled inside the departments or even in the entire organization. Relationships or the links can be manifested in the values and ethics; policies, procedures and processes; application o f security and controls; fiscal management; risk management; and quality assurance (Barrett, 2002). Because of the strong relationship being built in the organization, there is an establishment of corporate governance that aligns the objectives along with the practices involved. The framework of the relationship pertains to the idea that the long term plans of the organizations can be achieved if there are appropriate performance measures. The connection of the elements towards success should accommodate each other and move towards the operation of the organization. In addition, the enforced interrelationship of management strategies with the organizational performance and performance measures can quicken the pace in reaching the corporate goals or long-term plans (Chan, 2003). It is because; the three concepts open the opportunity ahead, draw the responsibilities, and ensure the accountability and can be the essential ingredient behind the corporate culture. In the emphasis o n the performance measures, that usually lies in the human capital and can be the key component towards the success. From the past organizational researches it is often describe as the driver that aligns the objectives and corporate vision. The factors that contribute with this idea are the aspects including the reliability, accuracy, timing, and ability of people to adopt in changes and face challenges. The performance is the most critical part in achieving one certain goal because of the implications of operational efficiency. The performance targets can important to be settled to create the actual performance. The support given by the organizational objectives and long-term plans increases the chances towards success (Henning, Theron, Spangenberg, 2004). Targets can be also considered as the long-term plan of the organization, and if possible, all of the performance measurements can be crafted meant to satisfy all the organizational goals. One of the most common tasks that an in dividual should posses is the ability to discover the weakness and then, improve and find the other potentials. The focus of the organization in monitoring the practices towards the performance of the organizations is an effective way to achieve the objectives. Such measures brought out the management are mirrored in their leadership, directing, and controlling. There is an empirical ground of idea that the creation of organizational objectives is the results of the long-term plan and organizational goals. Often, the objectives resembles as the requirement of the organization. And in using the applicable performance, there arrives the management and control. In every department, it is recognizable that the managers have the ability to lead and direct the people, because of the objectives set before them. The acknowledgement of an individual regarding his position in the organization as well as the roles and responsibilities tailing in his position is an effective solution in achievi ng the goals. When all the performances result according to what is planned and stipulated in the objectives, the quality of work can be generated. In finance management, the assurance that there is a quality on the output of work such as in auditing, then the organization can say that the people complied unto what is indicated in the overall organizational goals. The quality in the performance means that there is an assurance of performance measurement. The essence of effective performance, however, is another indication of performance management. Therefore, the auditing practices in the finance department can adopt and afterwards, increase the level of interest in corporate governance for it has a focus on the accountability and sustaining the practice in work (Barrett, 2002). The situations and the improvement in the systems and operational procedures can deliberately affect the performance measures in the organization. The idea of accountability, in the finance management supports the idea in operating with efficiently and effectively. It could be a basic strategy and be an ideal performance management if the organizational theories can be implemented and delivers a continuous practice. In general, the transformation of the organization towards the success can be a critical point in any organization, especially when the organization has issues and recently involved in organizational turmoil. The interrelationship of the performance measurements in the financial department along with the influence from organizational objectives and motivation coming from the long term plans has the ability to work together such in control and operate is proven to have the impact in delivering the success and continuous growth (Chan, 2003). The strong interrelationships within the organization are affected by the various factors due to the globalization in the business. The increase in the globalization of businesses were triggered by the improvements in transportation and communications, political affairs, technological designs and advancement that might develop and increase the products, and the population of the multinational businesses that are under the same industry. In the trend of globalization, there is an increase in interest in the financial management. Question 2 Internal and External Stakeholders and the Financial Information they use Organization is an environment where both mind and body synchronized in working. It is fuelled with full of expectations and the access in a good information is believed to be a great foundation in leadership, effective management, and control. The performance measurements being applied in the workplace might be ambitious but because of the target, the entire organization can agree in terms of their focus such as in catering the services and development. The obligation of the information is to ensure that all the decisions that can be generated and can change the position of the organization have a strong basis. For an instance, the audit in finance department presents the capability of the department in providing the assistance because of the effective financial management. In return, the information that the department can provide includes the various opinions, recommendations and opportunities that are made available for all the stakeholders. More than figures, the report are entitled to deliver the adequate and meaningful interpretation, approaches, and judgement towards the information. Stakeholders, who have the right to see the financial report, hence, can craft a sound decision that is clear, unbiased, and transparent (Barrett, 2002). Stakeholders and the Analysis In evaluating the organizational performance, the stakeholders or the people who can create an influence on the business need a strong basis such as the use of the financial information. Stakeholders concepts and approaches in the organization can be described as a systematic tool that can define steps and being utilized by the organization. The design of the information enables the stakeholders to evaluate and understand the position of the organization according to the specific activity the organization is engaged and its current environment. Based from the information, there is a creation of a decision that potentially changes the path of the organization including the policies in order to satisfy the organizational objectives. The analysis of the stakeholders is more on the systematic process because it is equipped with the range of methodologies. This includes the analysis on the stakeholders interests, positions, interrelations, networks, and as well as influence. Generati ng the knowledge can be the most appropriate description on the role of stakeholders of the organization in which both people and organization understand the behaviour and intentions of the business in the market. Having identified the internal and external stakeholders will help the business to uncover the appropriate changes that should be included in the overall organizational activities. Therefore, it is an advantage for the organization to recognize the stakeholders as well as the perceptions they create towards the organization. Internal Stakeholders The internal stakeholders are the CEO, managers, and executives who are present in the everyday operation of the organization and thereby, can judge the performance of the organization. In the idea of an efficient and effective operation that is being implemented in the organization, the term accountability can be emerged. The use of the balanced scorecards is an effective way in transforming the organization. A balanced scoreboard is an effective solution in all the managers and executive to track and improve the corporate performance through the use of the key business indicators such as the financial aspect, internal process and operation, customer analysis, and growth of the industry; being offered and then, recorded and be available for their review. The power of the balanced scoreboard creates an impact in visualizing the future success and helping the people in highlighting the essential key areas towards the performance management of the organization (Chan, 2003). In additi on, the presentation of the status and trend in the market are good set of indicators which can provide a quick overview on the performance and define the benchmarks. Because of the growing uncertainties in the market, the balanced scoreboards are effective in guiding the organizations on their corporate goals. The method of reporting that were utilized by the executive and managers help them to analyze the operational activities that are needs to improve, maintain, and eliminate. All of the activities involved in decision in the operating activities are ensured to be aligned according to the organizational objectives covering the overall strategy. Aside from the balanced scoreboards, the internal stakeholders can also assess the capital market that is obtained in financial intermediaries and is utilized by most of the large organization which described as the most dominant sources of finances that supports the development aims of the business (Megginson Boutchkova, 2000).On the ot her hand, the efficiency market hypothesis (EMH) that is related in the equity of the traders and investors, tells the idea regarding the stocks in the market and dictating the movement that the investors should do to beat the market (Brigham Gapenski, 1997). Internal stakeholders are rendering the effective performance; therefore, it is a great challenge for the managers to drive the performance towards growth. The CEO and other executives are solely responsible in terms of the authority. And for recent years, the CEOs role in the organization adopted other managerial practice because of the seniority they gained, most especially in the experiences and higher knowledge and skills that they possesses. In accordance to this, the increase in the capacity of the CEOs in serving the organization are almost align with the duties and responsibilities of the Boards of Directors. The facilitation of the organizational ideas are therefore, passed through the creation of organizational go als and enhancing the quality of the performance (Barrett, 2002). External Stakeholders As a counterpart of the internal stakeholder, the external stakeholders or otherwise called shareholders includes the employees, customers, suppliers, journalists, and the government. All the individuals that are working outside the organization yet being affected by the existence of the organization are called external stakeholders. Meaning, the individuals doesnt need to invest in the organization to carry the stake because being a consumer creates a great impact in the success of the organization. The information can be obtained from the disclosure of the performance of the organization such as the financial (interim and annual reports), through viewing the information in comparison with the other related organization, through addressing the behavior of the market as well as the entire stakeholders; sustainability performance report; through the distribution channels, meetings, press conferences, and other channels for communication, Internet, legal Websites. In addition, becaus e of the interest of the entire organization in achieving the trust form the public, the Shareholder Value Analysis became the key objective of the organization to increase the value of the shareholders and this is through recognizing the specific measurements like the economic value. Shareholders can also view this kind of approach and measure the appeal of the organization in the market (White, Vanc, Stafford, 2008). Question 3 The internal financial information an organization provides to its managers for planning, controlling and monitoring purposes is subject to the same accounting concepts and conventions that apply to the published annual reports and accounts. To what extent is the comment true? Illustrate your answer with examples. The responsibilities of the managers can be broad but should include the underlying principles in order to create a significant improvement in the working environment. All of the organizations display the ethical standards and practices which deal from the top-to-bottom of the organization. To manage all of the resources effectively and efficiently and with the accordance of the organizational objectives, the managers should recognize the importance of the governance. Through the use of the financial information, the managers can determine the level of the business relationships among its suppliers, distributors, and other partners. It is so true that the accounting co ncepts and principles can give the comprehensive review on the financial position of the organization. And with that, the managers can create sound decisions. However, the internal financial information deals with an in-depth analysis, not more on figures and discuss the related information from the range of products, services, and operational activities. In such the internal financial information provides the transparency in all the areas of organization. In this sense, there is an increase in the financial returns because being transparent in reporting, unbiased, and avoiding the manipulation resembles the ability of the entire organization to create the competitive advantage and protection on company assets. Generally, the financial reports are fashioned in favor of the organization which may leave some blind spots in the overall sustainability of the organization. Some of the organization is reluctant to provide the internal financial report because of the unfavorable indicat ors regarding the organization. In contrast to this, the internal financial information is bound to reveal everything whether good or bad. The hint that the organization might be engaged in a wrong path is the incomplete disclosure of information and it might indicate the poor performance of the organizational activities. The essence of disclosing all of the information is a result of the sustainable performance of the organization (Bedard Jackson, 2003). The essence of disclosing the information is to prove that there is an improvement in the organization regarding the application of the strategies and systems. In fact, the influence of the growing uncertainties in the market and business environment should be also examined and be included in the comprehensive report. This is for the reason that the regulatory requirements in the society create a great impact in the organization, most especially in foreign countries. Internal financial information can be the internal audit. In ternal financial information can be only assess through the application of the internal auditing which the financial management can describe as an independent area, objective, and assures that the design of the consultation is for the organization and its related operation. With the strong founded practice and auditing activity, the financial reporting can be evaluated according to the organizational objectives because of the systematic and disciplined approach. The audit also includes the essence of risk management, control, and corporate governance in the overall process. Financial manager is the one who is responsible in the establishment and maintenance of the practice in the internal controls of the organization. The continuous process of the internal auditing is focused on the exposing the risk areas that are under the operation, financial and operational information, safeguarding the organizational assets, assurance on the compliance with the laws and regulations, and directi ng the organization towards the accomplishment of the goals and associated objectives. Financial managers can work along with the internal auditors because most of the internal investigations will be taken from the accounts of the financial managers and the accountants, since they are the people who are responsible in handling the financial issues in the organization. It is recommended that there should be improvements in the internal controls from the top of the management to maintain the integrity in the corporate world while at the same time, targeting the operational improvement (Quality Assurance Bureau, 2007). As a contrast to the internal controls, the weak implementation of the financial management and control only invites the opportunity in committing fraud. The fraudulent act is the most negative action that may arise among the individuals. In the essence of corporate governance, the signs and overall existence of the frauds can be minimized until eliminated. It is not important that a policy in being established, what necessary is to act according to the settled policy, have an effective leadership, and provide appropriate commitment. In terms of the adoption of sound management and stringent control in the financial aspects, there will be a clear intention in promoting the corporate governance and facilitation of the processes and procedures according to the organizational goals and objectives. Effective implementation of control reflects in the managements attitude and commitment in ensuring that the business will receive the interests and there exist the term accountability (Barrett, 2002). The utilization of the internal financial information emphasizes, explores, and strengthens the financial managers responsibilities within the organization. To use the funds according to the objectives of the organization and the related plans remains the heart of the financial managers task. In accordance to this, the financial manager has five specific activities that are part of the maximization of the value of the firm. First is the forecasting and planning, and with the use of the internal financial information there is an accuracy in performing this task. Second is to manage and facilitate the major investment and financing decisions, such as determining the optimal sales that can be achieved in the invested project. Third is to coordinate and control through interacting with the people within the organization like the executives to ensure that the plans are followed accordingly. Fourth is to deal with the financial markets or the capital markets to ensure that there are enough funds to support the on-going project. And fifth is to assess and manage the risks. All businesses has their risks depending on the type of environment that they are involved but it is important that the business can play safe even if there is a threat coming from different elements (Brigham Gapenski, (1997). Question 4 Each of the four main methods of investment appraisal (Accounting Rate of Return, Payback, Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return) is as relevant and appropriate as the others when making investment decisions. Discuss and critically evaluate this statement, illustrating your answer with some numerical examples. As part of the finance managers roles and responsibilities, there is a coordination and continuous communication with the other personnel in the organization like the marketing manager who would help in project sales, the engineering and production staffs that would determine the assets necessary to meet the demands in the market. Aside from simply raising the funds to satisfy the projects, they are generally has the direct responsibility for the elements involved through the application of the control process. Financial managers make decisions regarding which assets that the firm should acquire; how the assets should be financed, and how the firm should manage the existing resources. If these responsibilities are performed optimally, the importance of financial managers will arise because of the recognition in maximizing the values of the firms and supporting the long-term plan of the organization while keeping the consumers and employees. However, in the start of the project, the knowledge and skills of the finance manager is expected to show through measuring and projecting the capacity of each projects in delivering the favorable interest for the organization. The basic investment appraisal techniques that every financial manager should be aware of are the computation of the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP), and the Accounting Rate of Return (ARR). In the application of theses methods, the decision can be made because of the strong ground of basis. However, there are rules that need to determine in order to use the chose of method. The type of decisions may also varied but there are only two o ptions available accept or reject the project. When the finance manager is bound to deliver a comprehensive answer regarding the project, he must be aware on the conditions towards its ongoing completions. If there are long-term projects, one must look on the consistency of the corporate plan. The essence is that, all the funds will be wasted if there is a sudden change in the organization whether in structure, leadership, plans, and goals all will be affected in the changes. A financial manager must consider the cash inflows in the project. All of the funds should exceed on the estimated outflows or expenses and create an appropriate technique in capital budgeting. This will emphasize the true ability of the finance manager in forecasting. Below is the example that can mirror the ability of the finance manager in creating a sound decision between the two projects. The situation is that, the manager should make a choice between the projects with the given assumption of 15% annual cost of capital and estimated net annual cash flows (University of London External System). Project Time Periods (Years) Ãâ 0 1 2 3 4 Total A (25, 000) 5, 000 12, 500 12, 500 12, 500 $17, 500 B (10, 000) 5, 000 10, 000 (1, 000) $4, 000 Next are the four methods in investment appraisal according to their set of rules. NPV IRR (%) Payback (Years) ARR (%) A $4, 166* 22 2.6 35* B $1, 251 24* 1.5* 26.7 The projects A and B will have an NPV of 4166 and 1251 respectively. According to the decision rule of NPV, the finance manager should select the investment gaining the higher NPV regardless of the size of the original investment. In this case, the Project A is the preferred option (University of London External System). The rationale for the method NPV is described to be straightforward which is why NPV is the most utilized method in the financial management and give signals to the management regarding the decision. An NPV of zero signifies that the projects cash flows are exactly sufficient to repay the invested capital and to provide the required rate of return on that capital. If a project has a positive NPV, then its cash flows are generating more than the required return, and since the return is fixed, the extra return accrues solely to the firms stakeholders (Brigham, Gapenski, 1997). This suggests that B is a good project because there is a shorter payback period. Payback period is the expected number of years in which the investment can recover the original investment. This is also considered as the first formal method in evaluating the capital budgeting projects. The concept that lies in this method is the idea of the shorter the payback, the better (Brigham Gapenski, 1997). In ARR approach, the Project A is the preferred project because of the higher rate. Meanwhile the IRR chose the project B. Since all of the results are in contrasts in each other, the NPV is once again emphasized. In the practicality, the finance managers are advised to master the capital budgeting process and provide the post audit procedure and compare with the actual results with the predictions for the chosen project. In addition, there is a great chance that there are discoveries on certain areas that needs to be improved such as the operations (University of London External System). Again, in the process of capital budgeting, most of the finance managers are in favor of NPV because it has a direct relationship with the Economic Value Added (EVA). It means that, when the project during the year indicated a positive NPV then over time its cumulative EVA should rise to the by the sum of the projects NPVs. Things will never work out this way because investors cannot determine the expected NPVs all of the firms projects. Still, over time positive NPVs should translate into positive EVAs, and to a positive market value added (MVA), or the access of the firms market value over its book value. The reward system that compensates the managers for producing positive EVA will lead to the use of NPV for making capital budgeting decisions (Brigham Gapenski, 1997). Conclusion Eventually, both internal and external stakeholders must have the information that they need to make better decisions and the information should be in quality, reliable, relevant, and credible.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Ethical Dilemma of Sexual Appeal in Advertising Essay
Justin D. Clegg Comms 300 Media Law M. Driessen The Ethical Dilemma of Sexual Appeal in Advertising The old adage ââ¬Å"sex-sellsâ⬠is an assumption that has caused an ethical dilemma in a fast moving world filled with media consumers and advertising. The use of sexual appeal in advertising has increased dramatically in the United States within the last decade. Its misuse and pervasiveness surround us every day and elicit powerful emotions by individuals of all ages, both male and female. Sex in advertising has been around for years and continues to drive media messages in society simply because it works. Ads with sexual appeal are more attention getting, arousing and memorable. A single male college student is far more likely toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A companyââ¬â¢s future earnings are dramatically impacted by teenagers who like my dad, formed brand opinions at an early age and later ââ¬Å"grow up in the brand.â⬠In a book written by James McNeal, he said ââ¬Å"if you can buy a 24 year old, you can get all his friends absolutely free.â⬠Advertisi ng is a profession that reflects and molds cultural values and standards in more ways than we may think. Because of advertisingââ¬â¢s ability to affect the way people view themselves in the world that surrounds them, it is one of the business functions that receives the most ethical scrutiny. Advertising messages create a lot of debatable ethical issues because the public believes that advertisements affect the way people see themselves and can crucially affect their actions. In 2011, the Journal of Business Ethics summarized reasons why people complain about advertising. The reasons included teaching the idea that happiness comes from possessing valuable things, creating false values in society, causing individuals to be more easily persuaded by distracting them through entertainment and by the use of puffery or exaggerations to make their products appear better than they are. Another reason people complained about advertising was the fact that it is too preoccupied with exp loiting sexuality and the human body to persuade people. The question to be asked isShow MoreRelatedMarketing Ethics : The Moral Values That Direct Marketing Choices And Activities1612 Words à |à 7 Pagesup their products, using sexual content to gain consumerââ¬â¢s attention, and advertising to children. For organizations hoping to enhance the image of their brand and continue to grow with clients, this sort of deceptive conduct can rapidly prompt disappointment. Ethical Dilemmas in Marketing Advertisers have a lot of opportunities to entice customers in the market these days. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Design Architecture And Urban Planning Essay - 1437 Words
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It is extremely difficult to cite some great architec t the second half of the twentieth century has not planned any museum. Another example of a well thought out museum is the Whitney Museum of Art in New York. Undoubtedly, a characteristic feature of these museums is the predominant role, having prioritized and powerful architecture. Thus, this has led to a radical change in the way the public thinks about a museum, its architecture and its role in our culture. The museum was a prototype building destined to be the container for artisticShow MoreRelatedThe Conceptual Design Phase Of Urban Planning Process Essay1544 Words à |à 7 PagesAbstract. ADD FROM OLD ABSTRACT!!! The conceptual design phase usually comprises a complex set of objectives that needs to be addressed by developing a number of design alternatives that require a lot of repetitive steps resulting in fewer and slowly-developed design varieties. 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But Japan is an exception because as the countryà ´s per capita income increased their resourceRead MoreBiography Of Charles Edouard Jeanneret, The French Architect, Designer And Writer1748 Words à |à 7 Pages Student: Siena Geddes, 7693990 Class: 20th Century Design Lecturer: Manfred Huber Date: 1st September 2014 Word Count: 1921ââ¬Æ' Charles-Ãâ°douard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner and writer, active predominately in France, during the first half of the 20th century. Today, he is widely regarded to have been the most immensely influential architect, in terms of town planning and the architectural surroundings for which we now seeRead MoreGrad School Application Essay1127 Words à |à 5 PagesI have often been asked by architecture students and professionals visiting Chandigarh on how it feels having grown up and educated from this city - a single stroke, paradigm shifting undertaking by the father of modernism himself. I reply with an inherently paradoxical answer. 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Difference Between Male And Females - 845 Words
In this naturalistic observation study I looked at the differences between male and females regarding their actions upon greeting another person. I looked at the frequency in which they hugged or performed a different action (e.g. waving, speech, other etc.). Ultimately this information was used to find whether males or females hug when greeting more often than the other gender. The variable of interest in this experiment are gender and the action upon greeting.Gender is conceptually defined as the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The action upon greeting is conceptually defined as what both males and females do (e.g. hug or wave, etc.) when meeting with someone of familiarity. My hypothesis for this observation was that upon greeting someone girls will hug more often than guys. In this naturalistic observation in order to remain out of the environment and keep away from intervening I recorder data a distance away from the main trafficked area of greeting. This was so my actions or presence would not prohibit the sample population from proceeding with their natural behavior. My sampling location was only at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. The time sampling used was an hour from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. When choosing my sample population I chose people greeting around the ground floor entrance to the library that were in eyesight of my data recording position. The sample population in thisShow MoreRelatedDifferences between Males and Females724 Words à |à 3 PagesDifferences between Males and Females An Essay in Compare and Contrast First of all, it is true that there are several things that uniquely distinguished males from females in terms of roles play within the society, the physical appearance, voice, brain cells, brain size, communication skills and career selections. Males are popularly known as the head of the family and the bread winner, whereas females are commonly referred to as the home maker and also the comforter in time of sorrow. One of theRead MoreThe Differences Between Male And Female844 Words à |à 4 PagesSex refers to the differences between male and female through their biological and physiological anatomy as internal and external sex organs, chromosomes (i.e. XX for female; XY for male, Seccombe p.93); and hormonal profiles (i.e. estrogen for female; testosterone for male). Gender refers to the differences between male and female attributes, traits, behaviours, activities, culturally and socially constructed roles that a culture or society expects that outlines as feminine and masculine. FamilyRead MoreDifferences Between Males and Females1920 Words à |à 8 PagesThesis: There are many differences between men and women, and they are divided into many parts: physical, mental, relationship, education and career. 1. Physical differences A. Brain B. Changes during Puberty 2. Mental differences A. Mental abilities B. Emotion 3. Relationships A. Men and women relationship B. Friendships 4. Education and Career A. Education B. Career ââ¬Æ' Recently, there was a group of Mission College students discussing about the differences of genders on FacebookRead MoreEvaluate The Difference Of The Differences Between Males And Females?1342 Words à |à 6 Pages Though males and females have different amounts of hormones, they both have fundamentally the same biological structure. This can be seen through the Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS). Professor Huang, Wei, Chou, and Su, professors in either National Yang-Ming University or China Medical University, had studied rTMS and its effect on three groups: men, premenopausal and postmenopausal women. RTMS uses a magnet to activate the brain through magnetic field pulses. The pulse stimulatesRead MoreBiological Differences Between Males And Females1176 Words à |à 5 PagesSex is defined as ââ¬Å"the average, reliable, biological differences between males and femalesâ⬠(Auleb 1). One biological difference between males and females is in external genitalia: males have penises whereas females have vaginas. Sexuality refers to one s sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, and capacity for sexual feelings ( Someone who is not sexually attracted to anyone may identify themselves as asexual. And sexual identity is one s conception of themselves in terms ofRead MoreDifferences Between Male And Female Brain1536 Words à |à 7 PagesAre there physical differences in the male and female brain? Are there gender differences in memory? If there are differences, do they begin as early as childhood or adolescence? As we age, and experience life, are men or women more superior in the recollection of memories? Even a novice in the study of gender and memory could presume that male and femaleââ¬â¢s brains are different, and they would presume correctly as evidenced by the results of many studies performed and the articles written to recordRead MorePhysiological Differences Between Males And Females2327 Words à |à 10 PagesGe nder Physiological Differences; There are a number of differences between a how the bodies of both genders are constructed anatomically, some of which will stand out right away, along with others which are more detailed. Itââ¬â¢s also really down to the perspective of each gender, since these differences may either help them or hinder them, if they are in a suitable situation for them, and if they are in a sport that they need to perform that suits them. The most immediate difference is in the ratio ofRead MoreDifferences Between Male And Female Adolescents1130 Words à |à 5 Pages Adolescents Development Case Study Louise Wright PSY/600 November 16, 2015 Tera Duncan Adolescents Development Case Study Compare similarities and differences between male and female adolescents: Valuable similarities between male and female are any expressive problems that familiarity from preadolescents and adolescents in developing a logical thinking of adult problems in their diversity. Although, capacities in both sexes surpass of social and emotional, are probable to beRead MoreGender Differences Between Female And Male1520 Words à |à 7 Pagesavailable or not available to females and males. These stereotypic ideas are based on certain values and beliefs that have been culturally idealized and accepted by the society. As a matter of fact, the culture associated with the gender system, proposes differences in genderââ¬â¢s roles and expectations, hence oppressing inequality between female and male. In a system, these inequality-supporting cultural ideologies heavily put an emphasis on the idea that gender differences are due to biologically basedRead MoreDifferences between the Human Male and Female576 Words à |à 2 PagesDifferences between male and femal e have long been recognized and investigated to serve as a mean to distinguish between the two sexes. Although the disparities is undeniable, factors that cause these differences are still a controversial topic as to whether they are caused by biologically or because of the social perception placed on the two genders. In this paper, I will try to analyze the differences between male and female in: physical strength, cognitive ability, communication and mating and
Constitution for Jimmy and Jones Ptd. Ltd.
Question: Describe about the Constitution for Jimmy and Jones Ptd. Ltd.? Answer: Preliminary Nature The company is a proprietary company limited by shares. Replaceable rules The replaceable rules in the Corporations Act are applicable to the Company. The Companys internal management shall be governed by: the Corporations Act 2001 (the Corporations Act) that is applicable to the company to be known as replaceable rules; (sec 135) and the Constitution Objects The Company is established with the object to operate as a clothing line business. Shares According to the Corporations Act all rights and restrictions attached to class of Shares, the Company shall: allot and issue Shares; and grant options over unissued Shares, Referring to the Corporations Act, 2001, the Company will have ordinary shares as well as preference shares. Transfer of Shares Forms of transfer According to this Constitution any member shall transfer one or more shares that he holds by the instrument of transfer after complying with this Constitution. Instrument of transfer The instrument of transfer of any Share must have the following elements: Shall be in writing; Shall be in the usual form or in any such form approved by the Director and allowed by the law; Must be executed on behalf of the transfer; Shall be duly stamped; Delivered properly to the company; Suspension of transfers The Directors may suspend the registration of the transfer of shares at any time or for such period as they deem fit. Nevertheless, such suspension cannot exceed more than 30 days in one calendar year. Meetings Who can call meetings of Members According to the Corporations Act, the Director may call for a meeting with the members at any time and at any place as the Directors consider appropriate. The Directors can also call and arrange a general meeting on the request of the members in accordance to the Corporations Act. How to call meetings of Members The Company must give a prescribed notice for the meeting before holding any such meeting. This notice shall be given to each and every member, Director and auditor of the Company. Right to attend meetings Every member and auditor of the Company is entitled to attend meetings of the members. Each Director is entitled to attend and speak at the meetings. Quorum The Quorum for a meeting would be as follows: When the company comprises of only one member, the quorum would be one person, and in case of more than one member, the quorum would be a minimum of two members. Number of votes According to the Constitution and the Corporations Act, or any restrictions relating to the shares, every shareholder, every member has the right to vote. A member who is present has: One vote for each fully paid share that he holds; a member has a fraction of one vote for each of the partially paid share that the member holds. This fraction would be equal to the amount credited on that share that is paid up. Directors Appointment of Directors The Company will have two Directors and under no circumstances will the Company have less than two directors. The first Directors are the individuals who are specified as directors in the application for the registration of the Company under the Corporations Act. With regards to the Corporations Act, the Director needs to give a written consent about his or her intention to become the Director. The Director requires mentioning about the every detail about him. Vacation of office A Director may resign from his office after giving the company a notice in writing; The Company in a written resolution may then appoint any other person, which he deems fit as the Director. Shareholders The company may invite people for giving their names and be shareholders in the company. Any person showing interest need to give a written consent to be a shareholder of this company. All shareholders will have right to participate in the surplus assets. All shareholders would be given the right to cast vote. Winding up Distributions proportional to paid up capital While winding up of the company the surplus needs to be divided among the members according to the proper proportions that is depending on the payable amount on the share of the members and it also includes the amount credited. Distributions of assets Keeping in mind, the restrictions relating to the class of Shares, the winding up of the company would be done with the approval of the members- Distribution of the property or part of the property among the members; Distribution between members and class of members
Poetry and Yellow Wood free essay sample
Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face? 2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you. (i) A yellow wood (ii) It was grassy and wanted wear (iii) The passing there (iv) Leaves no step had trodden black (v) How way leads on to way 3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them (i) in stanzas two and three? (ii) in the last two lines of the poem? 4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it? ) AnswerDiscussionShare1. The traveller found himself at a place from which two roads diverged into a yellow wood. The problem he faced was that he had to choose between the two roads. He could not travel both. Hence, the making of the decision of which road to take was the dilemma in his mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry and Yellow Wood or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. (i) It could mean either a forest with trees having yellow leaves or may be a forest with sandalwood trees. (ii) The road that he decided to take was grassy and it was less worn out as compared to the other. This implies that the road was not too much in use as the grass was still afresh and it seemed that not many people had walked on it. (iii) This refers to the people passing through that road. iv) This refers to the fact that the road was lined with leaves, which were fresh and no step had trodden them black. This means that nobody has walked on that road as there were no marks of foot on the leaves and they were as fresh as ever. (v) Here, the poet refers to the fact that one road always leads to other roads. It depends on the path you choose as it eventually leads to another path and so on. 3. (i) In stanzas two and three, the poet expresses the similarities between the two roads. He says that both were equally fair. The road that he took was grassy and seemed as if it want ed some wear as it had not been used enough. However, he again says that the people who had taken the two roads had worn them both about the same. That particular morning when he had to make the choice between the two roads, he saw both of them as they lay equally in leaves that no step had crushed or worn out to make them black. Hence, the poet has shown the two roads as quite similar to each other. (ii) In the last two lines of the poem, the poet has expressed his thought that he had taken the road that was less travelled by. This is when he had walked down that road. Hence, in the last two lines, he is aware of what the road he took brought him to. While earlier he found the two roads quite similar to each other when he was in the dilemma of making the decision of which road to take, in the end he realised that the road he had finally chosen was less travelled by, which eventually made all the difference. 4. In the last stanza of the poem, the poet says that after many ages, he shall be narrating his experience with a sigh. Here, the ââ¬Ësighââ¬â¢ could refer to a sigh of relief. It could mean that he was relieved as he had chosen the better road and therefore, seemed to have accepted his choice as it made a difference, which was for the better. However, the ââ¬Ësighââ¬â¢ could also mean the sigh of dismay. It could mean that he was disappointed to have taken the road that was less travelled by. He says that it made all the difference, which could be a negative thing that might have resulted in, as a result of taking that road. Even the title of the poem is ââ¬ËThe road not takenââ¬â¢. This could imply that he later regretted to have not taken the other road; hence, the emphasis on the road not taken in the title. Hence, if apprehended this way, it is also possible that he finally regretted his decision.
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