Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Difference Between Male And Females - 845 Words

In this naturalistic observation study I looked at the differences between male and females regarding their actions upon greeting another person. I looked at the frequency in which they hugged or performed a different action (e.g. waving, speech, other etc.). Ultimately this information was used to find whether males or females hug when greeting more often than the other gender. The variable of interest in this experiment are gender and the action upon greeting.Gender is conceptually defined as the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The action upon greeting is conceptually defined as what both males and females do (e.g. hug or wave, etc.) when meeting with someone of familiarity. My hypothesis for this observation was that upon greeting someone girls will hug more often than guys. In this naturalistic observation in order to remain out of the environment and keep away from intervening I recorder data a distance away from the main trafficked area of greeting. This was so my actions or presence would not prohibit the sample population from proceeding with their natural behavior. My sampling location was only at the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. The time sampling used was an hour from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. When choosing my sample population I chose people greeting around the ground floor entrance to the library that were in eyesight of my data recording position. The sample population in thisShow MoreRelatedDifferences between Males and Females724 Words   |  3 PagesDifferences between Males and Females An Essay in Compare and Contrast First of all, it is true that there are several things that uniquely distinguished males from females in terms of roles play within the society, the physical appearance, voice, brain cells, brain size, communication skills and career selections. Males are popularly known as the head of the family and the bread winner, whereas females are commonly referred to as the home maker and also the comforter in time of sorrow. One of theRead MoreThe Differences Between Male And Female844 Words   |  4 PagesSex refers to the differences between male and female through their biological and physiological anatomy as internal and external sex organs, chromosomes (i.e. XX for female; XY for male, Seccombe p.93); and hormonal profiles (i.e. estrogen for female; testosterone for male). 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