Saturday, July 27, 2019

Energy sources and the interchangeability of energy, propose a Essay

Energy sources and the interchangeability of energy, propose a replacement for fossil fuels (petroleum, coal, natural gas), as - Essay Example Each source has its own characteristic significance and one needs to identify its suitability based on local possibilities and circumstances (Renewable energy sources in the United States 2011). Hydropower Hydropower means using water to produce electricity. This is a clean way of producing electricity. Small and big dams both can be used to turn turbines. Hydropower is suitable where ever flowing waters from rivers are available. Currently, around 7% of the electricity in the US is produced by hydropower sources. Major hydropower projects in the US are located on the Colorado River, the Tennessee Valley. Solar Energy Sun is the most potent source of renewable energy. Efficient solar technologies can give the most viable solution to the world energy needs. Technologies to harness this particular source are advancing rapidly. In the US, summer is the most appropriate season to harness solar energy due to longer daylight hours and a high angle. California State in the US boasts several solar installations and solar energy so harnessed is clean and nonpolluting. Wind Power Wind is yet another renewable source of energy that is clean and available most part of the year. Coastal regions where wind velocity is greater than normal are most suitable for Wind turbine installations. The western part of the US is the most potential region where winds velocity is high. Wind turbines are usually installed at higher altitudes to harness continuous but less turbulent stream of winds. Currently, wind energy meets only 1 percent of the total energy needs of the country but its use has been rising rapidly. Geothermal Power Geothermal source of energy uses Earth's heat to produce electricity. Geothermal source of energy is available continually in certain regions of the US and it is based on the premise that temperature inside our earth is fairly constant throughout the year. The various technologies are in use and those can be described as geothermal heat pumps, deep reservoirs and direct-use systems. Geothermal power plants recover heat from water or steam to convert it into electricity. Heat pumps are used for heating purposes at residential and commercial buildings. Binary-cycle geothermal power plants can use water with even moderate temperatures – in the range of 38 to 149 degree centigrade; thus, it has been economical to harness this clean source of energy. Nevada, Hawaii, Utah and California in the US are known to have geothermal power plants in operations. Biomass Power Biomass or Biopower is the second largest source of energy among renewable in the US. Available biomass such as grassy or woody plants, food crops, residues from farms, organic wastes obtained from municipalities and industries are used as direct heating or to produce electricity. Since Biopower is available from plant sources, it can be produced in any part of the country. Biomass self-balances carbon release in the environment hence is nonpolluting. A Clear Case of Respons ible Stewardship and Integrity While buying fossil fuels, one is paying only for a commodity and does not compensate for environmental degradation and health damages caused to fellow citizens. Using any of the renewable sources of energy and discarding the use of fossil fuels firmly establishes that we not only respect our environment but are deeply concerned with preserving the same for our future

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