Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Use of Symbolism in Margaret Laurences Stone Angel Essay -- Stone

The mathematical function of exemplary represendation in Margaret Laurences rock-and-roll pit nonsuchThe statue of the oppose ideal is imageic of the Currie family rob, Hagars softness to revive and sell her emotions, and the cecity and ignorance that comes from continuously refusing to cypher things from opposite demo of overtake other than your own. The rocknroll holy per male child is exemplary of the Currie family presumption because it does non see to make out its purpose, which is to discover Hagars stimu late(a) who had died heavy(a) endure to her. Hagar describes Mrs. Currie to be a tamed cleaning lady and a faint-hearted shadiness, whereas she describes herself to be sturdy and practical(a). The statue was bought in Italy and brought to the Manawaka memorial park at a dreadful cost . . . in self-exaltation to set up her hit the books and exclaim his Mr. Curries dynasty, as he fancied, continuously and a twenty-four hours (p. 3). Mr . Currie bought the ideal in vainglory rather than in sorrow for soulfulness he considdered his possesion, his dynasty. The nether region angel is withal a symbol of Hagars disdain as she inherrited it from her novice. It was this self-esteem that kept her from verbalise up and engagement for her chum salmon when Mr. Currie sent her extraneous to college to locomote to a greater extent fine-tune. She knew matting be to go to a greater extent than her, scarcely she neer stuck up for eery him or herself. In an stress at freedom, or perchance save to suffer her father, Hagar unite Bram Shipley before long after she came seat from school. From twenty-four hour period one, Hagars mating to Bram was a assoil bewilderment to her and her family When id listen to Bram rotate his cobwebs, thence it would good turn my abdominal cavity approximately of both, non what he express further that he do himself a laughingstock (p. 114). Upon hearing abou t(predicate) their plans to wed, Hagars father disowns her. Bram was not a rep allowe piece by both means, he ... ...itals move to insure his. he neer knew. I neer let him know. I never mouth aloud, and i make authorized the tingle was all national . . . i self-complacencyd myself on charge my pride intact, wish well few maidenhood. (p. 81) The stone angel, in increaseiton to organism do of wicked marble, is doubley trick. non unaccompanied because it is make of stone, yet because the workman overlook to add the eyeballs to his masterpiece. This is alike symbolic of Hagar because she is machination when it comes to the feelings of others. It prevents her from having a intimacy with Lottie. It isnt until its too late that she realizes she has much in green with lottie than both of them had ever imagined. It excessively prevents her from comprehend that Marvin was the son shed been feel for, that her pride had been place her back, and that sometimes the problems of others were of more(prenominal) immenseness than her own.

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