Monday, September 30, 2019

Consumer vs Commercial Loans

CONSUMER LOANS VS COMMERCIAL LOANS Prepared By:|   | |   | Rohit Iyer| 11FN-082| Sahil Gupta| 11IB-069| Consumer Loans * Consumer loans are those loans which are required by a person for their personal needs. * If a car loan(finance or lease) is obtained by a company/individual for commercial purposes it is a commercial finance where as if the same kind of car loan is availed by a an individual who would use that car for his personal needs and would not gonna earn rent from that car that is considered a consumer loan.Hence, we can say that consumer loans would not become a source of earning for the borrower, * Examples:- Credit Cards, Personal Finance, Car Finance, Mortgage Finance Features of a personal loan * Variable interest rate: – A Variable Interest Rate Personal Loan has an interest rate that may change during the loan term. Accordingly your personal loan repayment may change throughout the life of the loan. With Variable Interest Rate Personal Loans you can make e arly or additional repayments without incurring any penalties. Fixed interest rate: – A Fixed Interest Rate Personal Loan has an interest rate that stays the same for the full loan term. The loan repayment should not change due to interest rate changes throughout the full term of the loan. With a Fixed Interest Rate Personal Loan you cannot pay extra to get ahead in your repayments. The repayment amount specified in your loan contract needs to be paid each week, fortnight or month as per the arrangement until the loan is paid in full. If additional payments are made, charges may be incurred. Secured: – A secured personal loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges an asset eg a car or property as collateral for the loan. The debt is then secured against the collateral so in the event that the borrower defaults the lender can take possession of the asset used as collateral and may sell it to satisfy the debt by regaining the amount originally lent to the borrower. * Un secured: – An unsecured personal loan requires no collateral or security. This type of loan is supported only by the borrower’s creditworthiness, rather than an item of collateral. Advantages: Personal loans do not require you to produce any collateral or security, like other loans. * There is no agent or middleman while obtaining this loan. * Banks are always ready to offer personal loans. * All that is required is that you need to satisfy the eligibility criteria. * You may use the loan for educational or even holiday purposes. * You can avail a personal loan during times of emergency when you are short of cash, since you need not answer too many questions to the bank. * You may avail personal loans according to your eligibility ranging anywhere from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,00,000. * It is better to avail a personal loan than to borrow cash on your credit card comparing the interest rate on both. Disadvantages: * The eligibility criteria are stricter in case of personal loans, since there is no security required and the paper work is minimum. * The bank checks on you capability to repay more than any other loan due to the same reason. * Since the bank has a higher risk while providing personal loans, they follow a list of approved categories of borrowers. Interest rates for personal loans could range from 12 % to 30 %, while the service charges and prepayment penalty are also very high. Commercial Loans * Commercial Loans are for business purposes. Usually given to  companies  to meet their various business needs. * This category of loan is introduced with the aim to help establishments sustain and grow. * Examples:- Running Finance, Cash Finance, Term Finance, Export Finance, FATR, FAPC II etc Some of its salient features can be described as below: Unrestricted funds: Money extendable under the commercial loans program has no restrictions. A business organization that is eligible for extended line of credit can inevitably find large amount tra nsferred to its bank account. The money can range from small dollar amounts to large sums. * Online Application: Filing of online application for grants is possible. Business owners just need to fill in an online form and submit the same with required documents. * Repayment Assurance: An enterprise owner has to provide assurance of repayment to the lender.This can be done by offering collateral support, credit card, property documents or any other valuables that provide enough assurance. Funds drawn against repayment assurances are kept extended. * Not Restrictive to Business Types: Commercial loans are available to all categories of entrepreneurs without restriction. It means that anyone from any industry can apply for finances. It is unimaginative how this loan support works for all. Just anyone can qualify irrespective of the industry type, small business or large organization. * 24 x7 hr Approval: Business Loan approval is kept open for 24 hours.So, any entrepreneur in an immedi ate need can apply for the grant. Banks are not imaginative and so deploy their work force on a 24Ãâ€"7 hr basis to get an organization funded. It is also true that the support staff does all the nitty-gritty, goes through the details, conducts enquiries, and then forwards the application to make grants available. * Good Credit Scores Required: Financers look for good credit scores before granting loan to an organization. So, an enterprise should work hard to build up its credit scores. Statistical Data:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Neurological Features Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Health And Social Care Essay

Systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) is a chronic multisystem autoimmune connective tissue upset, which has variable clinical manifestations that range from mild to life-threatening. Young adult females between their late teens and early 40s have a much higher prevalence in developing SLE, with a female to male ratio of 9:1 [ 7 ] . In the United States ( U.S. ) for illustration, Lawrence et Al. [ 8 ] reported that SLE appeared to be more common in black adult females than in other population groups. One U.S. retrospective survey of patient medical records, by McCarty et Al. [ 9 ] found that the disease was diagnosed 23 times more frequently in black adult females. Certain cultural groups besides appear to demo a higher prevalence, such as people with Afro – Caribbean [ 127 – 129 ] or African beginning [ 130 – 133 ] . The world-wide prevalence of SLE ranges between 12 and 50 per 100,000. These figures vary and are related to location and to the patient ‘s ethnicity every bit good as better acknowledgment of the disease today [ 10 ] . Factors such as sunshine, the part of infection, oestrogen endocrines, emphasis and drugs may precipitate the disease and there is besides a complex familial footing [ 11 ] . It has been reported by Deapen et Al. [ 12 ] that a familial factor in the sensitivity to the disease is reflected by 25 % harmony in indistinguishable twins. Many of the recent familial findings, [ 13, 14 ] seem sensible from a mechanistic point of view: they identify cistrons with of import functions in the immune system ; on occasion in concurrence with functional informations of the allelomorphs tested that besides fit the paradigm of loss of self-tolerance. Familial lacks of complement besides plays a function, [ 15 ] with C1q, C1r, C1s C4, and C2 being the most of import of the complement proteins, [ 16 ] nevertheless, no individual cause for SLE has been identified. Recent information, [ 17 ] besides suggested that a about omnipresent virus Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV ) might besides play a facilitating function [ 18 – 22 ] . A case-control survey, by James et Al. [ 23 ] demonstrated that EBV antibodies were present in 99 % , and EBV DNA was present in 100 % of the kids and immature grownups who had SLE, which was significantly higher than those in the control group. Despite this, the association between active EBV infection and the precipitation of SLE remains ill-defined. Neuropsychiatric manifestations are progressively recognised in patients with SLE. These include a broad assortment of neurological and psychiatric characteristics that account for considerable morbidity and mortality in these patients. They besides involve both the cardinal and peripheral nervous systems and scope from elusive abnormalcies of cognitive disfunction and anxiousness to obvious manifestations, such as shot, ictuss and psychosis. This article through systematic published literature, efforts to summarize the of import neurological characteristics of cardinal nervous system disease of SLE.Clinical PresentationThe widely recognised presentation of a immature female showing with inflammatory arthritis and a butterfly roseola on the face ( Fig 1 ) is comparatively uncommon [ 7 ] . Non-specific symptoms of unease, weariness, arthralgia, unwritten ulcers, radiosensitivity, lymphadenopathy, pleuritic thorax strivings, concerns, parathesiae, symptoms of dry eyes and oral cavity, Raynaud ‘s phenomenon and mild hair loss are the more likely presentations [ 24 ] . Fig 1. Typical â€Å" butterfly † -like roseola over the cheeks in SLE [ 24 ] . The diagnosing of SLE of single patients hence requires certain clinical and laboratory informations, [ 25 ] based on the widely accepted modified ( 1997 ) standards suggested by the American College of Rheumatology ( ACR ) ( although intended, and in fact more utile for research and curative test intents ) ( Table 1 ) [ 26 ] . The agencies to early diagnosing is in the clinical rating of patients. It should include a complete ‘systems ‘ reappraisal with scrutiny and subsequent probes, guided by the extent of organ involvement [ 7 ] . For illustration, in primary attention, a diagnosing of SLE or a related upset is often evident after clinical rating, uranalysis for blood and protein. Probes such as a full blood count ( FBC ) , which frequently shows an anemia or a cytopenia, nephritic and liver map trials and acute stage reactants: a high erythrocyte deposit rate ( ESR ) with a normal C reactive protein ( CRP ) concentration are characteristic. A simple algorithm for the diagnosing of SLE is provided as an illustration ( Fig 2 ) [ 25 – 29 ] .Central nervous system diseaseHistoryCentral nervous system ( CNS ) engagement in SLE was foremost described by Kaposi in 1872 [ 1 ] . Osler in 1903 was the first to describe a perennial focal intellectual ischemia in SLE [ 2 ] . Libman and Sacks [ 3 ] described endocarditis in SLE in 1924. The association of the lupus d ecoagulant ( LA ) and thrombosis in patients with SLE was described by Bowie et Al. [ 4 ] in 1963, and in 1968 Johnson and Richardson reported neuropathlogical findings in 24 instances of SLE [ 5 ] . In 1988, Devinsky et Al. [ 6 ] reported on an necropsy survey of 50 SLE patients ; 10 of whom had embolic intellectual infarcts, five caused by Libman-Sacks endocarditis and four from other cardiac beginnings.Neurological characteristicsCNS disease is extremely diverse and remains a challenge in footings of pathogenesis, appraisal and intervention and it is now better to see CNS disease in footings of separate syndromes. It is a serious but potentially treatable unwellness, which still presents really hard diagnostic challenges. The ACR defines 19 different syndromes in its categorization for the neurological complications of SLE ( Table 2 ) , as opposed to old uncomplete footings such as cardinal nervous system lupus, neurolupus or lupus cerebritis [ 30 ] . CNS engagement is reported to happen in 14 – 70 % of SLE patients [ 31 ] . The most common neurological manifestations of SLE are the organic brain disorders, which comprises of all the possible fluctuations of acute confusion, lassitude, or coma ; chronic dementedness ; depression, passion, or other affectional perturbations ; or psychosis.ConcernOf the more often encountered CNS complications, concerns are highly common. Fernandez-Nebro et Al. [ 32 ] and Raskin et Al. [ 33 ] stated that up to 40 % of persons experience severe disenabling concerns at least one time per twelvemonth. There are, nevertheless three controlled surveies in the literature on chronic or episodic concern [ 34 ] that can non be tracked back to other SLE syndromes [ 32, 35 ] .. The consequences are instead conflicting, nevertheless, and do non let for a unequivocal decision. For illustration, a nexus between megrim and SLE activity and ‘flare – ups ‘ has decidedly non been established [ 34, 35 ] . If future research confirms that megrim is so induced by SLE, the neurological load would still be overestimated by including megrim without limitation in the list of SLE neurological standards. Early surveies showed that concerns might react to corticosteroid intervention and this proved to be more effectual than the conventional anti-migraine therapy used in commanding concerns in SLE patients [ 36, 37 ] . A clear differentiation between CNS manifestations due to SLE and those due to antiphospholipid ( Hughes ) syndrome ( APS ) has been indicated [ 7 ] . An association of megrim concern with antiphospholipid antibodies ( APAs ) has been suggested, [ 38 ] nevertheless, more recent surveies have found no such nexus [ 35 ] .SeizuresSeizures are the following most frequent neurological complication and are known to happen in 14-25 % of patients ( compared with 0.5-1 % in the general population ) [ 39 ] . Seizures may ensue from intellectual vasculitis, cardiac intercalation, timeserving infection, drug poisoning, or associated metabolic mental unsoundnesss. They are more likely to be associated with APS than with intellectual vasculitis, which is highly rare in clinical pattern [ 40 ] . Electrolyte perturbation and medicative effects should be excluded, particularly those ensuing from antidepressants, stimulating medicines to handle weariness, or backdown from depressants or intoxicant. The primary neurological presentation of SLE is more common than originally thought ( 10/41 patients ) and included both ictuss ( 4 instances ) and motion upsets including Parkinsonism and chorea ( 4 instances ) [ 41 ] . Higher overall frequences of ictuss ( 42 % ) ; an early manifestation in 27 % , and in 10 % ictuss were the first SLE symptom seen. Epileptic ictuss are among the most common CNS manifestations in SLE. In separate surveies, Sibley et al. , [ 42 ] Steinlin et al. , [ 43 ] and Brinciotti et Al. [ 44 ] demonstrated that generalised tonic-clonic ictuss ( once known as expansive mal ictuss ) , simple and complex partial ictuss, automatic ictuss and position eliepticus all occur [ 45 ] . It is presumed that most ictuss in patients with SLE would be elicited by vascular abnormalcies in the encephalon, or would be either due to CNS infections or secondary to other marks, but this can non ever be demonstrated. In a big retrospective survey, in 18 out of 266 patients, ictuss were non attributable to any cause other than SLE [ 42 ] . Table 1. ACR Classification Criteria for SLE [ 26 ] The diagnosing of SLE requires the presence of four or more of the following 11 standards at the same time or in sequence ( besides see algorithm in Fig 2 ) .SLE standardDefinition or illustrationsSerositis Pleuritis – pleuritic hurting, Pleuralrub, pleural gush Pericarditis – Electrocardiogram alterations, pericardiac hang-up, pericardiac gush Oral ulcers Frequently painless sores Arthritis Nonerosive – two or more peripheral articulations affected Photosensitivity Skin roseola as a consequence of unusual reaction to sunlight Blood Hematologic upset Hemolytic anemia Leucopenia Lymphopenia Thrombocytopenia Nephritic upset Proteinuria ( with 3+ or more protein noted in urinalysis specimen or 0.5 g of protein/day ) Cellular dramatis personaes in piss Antinuclear antibody Antibodies to atomic components Immunological upset Anti- DNA antibodies Anti – Samarium antibodies Antiphospholipid antibodies Neurological upset Seizures Psychosis Malar roseola Fixed erythema over the malar distinctions Discoid roseola Erythematosus raised spots may mark ECG = EKG A mnemonic to retrieve the 11 symptoms is ‘SOAP BRAIN MD ‘ . Table 2. The neurological complications of SLE [ 30 ] Central nervous system Neurological Aseptic meningitis Cerebrovascular disease Multifocal subacute lesions Headache ( including megrim and idiopathic intracranial high blood pressure ) Motion upsets ( peculiarly chorea ) Myelopathy Seizure upset Psychiatric Acute confusional province Anxiety upset Cognitive map Temper upset Psychosis Peripheral nervous system Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy ( Guillain – Barre syndrome ) Autonomic upset Cranial neuropathy Mononeuropathy, individual or manifold Myastheia gravis Plexopathy PolyneuropathyDiagnosis of SLEPatient showing with disease manifestations affecting two or more organ systems ANA proving Titre a†°? 1:40 Titre & lt ; 1:40 See referral to rheumatologist for full Strong statement against SLE rating, including the followers: SLE ; alternate account ACR diagnostic standards ( see Table 1 ) for organ system Lab trials: full blood count, uranalysis, manifestations should be serum creatinine degree and antiphospholipid, pursued anti-dsDNA and anti-Sm antibodies Explanation found No account Zero to three Four or more Sufficient to See referral to ACR standards ACR standards regulation out SLE rheumatologist if inquiry of SLE or uncomplete SLE remains No SLE or SLE Incomplete SLE Fig 2. An algorithm for the diagnosing of SLE. ( ANA = antinuclear antibody ; ACR = American College of Rheumatology ; anti-dsDNA = antibody to duplicate isolated DNA antigen ; antiSm = antibody to Sm atomic antigen ) . Information from mentions: [ 25 – 29 ] Stroke and perennial transient ischemic onslaughts ( TIAs ) are among the CNS diagnoses seen in 3-15 % of instances ; although these figures vary harmonizing to the literature [ 46 – 48 ] . Annual shots were calculated for illustration, utilizing informations from 91 patients with SLE observed for 599 patient-years. It was found that the shot rate dropped from 6.6 % in twelvemonth 1 to 0.6 % during old ages 6-10 [ 46 ] . The International Classification of Diseases ( ICD-9 ) codification for SLE, estimated that ‘cerebrovascular accidents ‘ were 10 times more frequent in 18 to 44 twelvemonth old females with SLE, than in those of similar age without the disease [ 49 ] . The frequence of ‘cerebrovascular accidents ‘ were about twice as frequent in in-between age ( 45-64 year ) , whereas in old age, the frequence was found to be somewhat below normal. APAs have one time once more been implicated, as shown by Provenzale et Al [ 50 ] . Neuroimaging surveies suggested no important differences in the incidence of multifocal little white affair lesions, or of big vas shots, between patients with primary or secondary APS. Harmonizing to the literature, subarachnoid bleeding in SLE is good documented [ 47, 51 – 55 ] , nevertheless, by far the most studies of this are from one state: Japan. A survey by Mimori et Al. [ 56 ] of the medical records of patients with SLE in one Nipponese Centre, covering a 20 twelvemonth period, revealed that 10 of 258 patients had at some clip experienced a ( clinically defined ) subarachnoid bleeding. Figures in the literature on TIAs in SLE indicate that the overall incidence is raised [ 46, 48, 57 ] .Aseptic meningitisAcute, chronic or recurrent sterile meningitis is a rare manifestation of SLE. The term is frequently used for a meningeal syndrome of non-infectious beginning with some grade of nuchal rigidness ( neck stiffness ) and with increased white cells ( pleocytosis ) in the cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) [ 26, 58 ] . Pathologically, meningeal redness is found in about fifth part of patients [ 59 ] . SLE should be considered in any patient who ab initio presents with a meningitic image and in whom beings have non been identified, particularly if the meningitis is perennial. Aseptic meningitis has been reported in patients with shot or ‘ischaemic encephalon lesions ‘ ; vasculitis was non demonstrated, but was non ruled out [ 60, 61 ] . There are studies of sterile meningitis following non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( even after merely a individual tablet ) in SLE and assorted connective tissue disease. Jolles et Al. [ 62 ] stated that up to 60 % of patients with SLE are estimated to hold CNS symptoms associated with redness at some clip during their unwellness, and that this could predispose them to drug-induced sterile meningitis ( DIAM ) . Maignen et Al. [ 63 ] suggested that assorted drugs ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as isobutylphenyl propionic acid and Clinoril, antibiotics such as cotrimoxazole, trimethoprim, Cipro and assorted drugs such as carbamazepine, human immune globulin and muromonab CD3 ) can be associated with development of DIAM and those patients with SLE and/or connective tissue upsets are at a higher hazard. Ibuprofen for illustration, has been reported on a figure of occasions as a cause of sterile meningitis, particularly in patients with SLE [ 64, 65 ] . The exact mechanism for the reaction to these agents is non to the full understood, but it is speculated that APAs perchance have a function. Meningeal symptoms occur a few hours after drug consumption and decide without sequelae within one or two yearss after the drug is withdrawn. Chorea, although rare, is frequently quoted as the classical neurological characteristic of SLE [ 43 ] . There are conflicting studies, as suggested by Janvas et Al. [ 66 ] and Cervera et Al. [ 67, 68 ] in respect to its incidence, runing from 1-4 % . It can develop at any clip, but is more likely to look during an ague flair, which has led some research workers to propose that it could be used as a marker of disease activity, where there is a reported return rate of up to 25 % . It has besides been associated with shot [ 69 ] and with idiopathic intracranial high blood pressure and dural fistula thrombosis in kids [ 70 ] . It is non yet clear, nevertheless, whether it is due to a vascular abuse or to antibody-induced neural disfunction [ 71, 72 ] . Psychiatric perturbations range from temper and personality upsets to psychosis, the latter being defined as a psychotic upset, harmonizing to the standards of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-IV ) [ 73 ] . No alone clinical image is seen, but three comparatively distinguishable forms can be discerned: ‘pure ‘ behavioural or psychiatric unwellness without overcasting of consciousness, subacute encephalopathy/encephalitis, and dementedness. Affectional upsets, peculiarly anxiousness and depression are the most common ( e.g. in 103 of 414 outpatients from two surveies and 19 of 43 hospitalised patients from another survey ) , though non in similar proportions in the surveies [ 74 – 76 ] . It has, nevertheless, non been shown that these upsets occur more often in patients with SLE [ 77 ] than in those with arthritic arthritis or other chronic diseases [ 78 – 80 ] . The association with psychotic episodes – ‘lupus psychosis ‘ – is more dependable [ 81 ] , although its differentiation from corticoid induced psychosis can be hard. In a big and frequently quoted retrospective survey, 11 of 266 patients developed psychosis during a average follow-up period of at least 90 months [ 42 ] . Delusions, ocular and audile hallucinations, catatonia and transition upsets are all good recognised [ 82 ] . Dementia is a normally recognized complication, although small elaborate published information is available. Harmonizing to DSM-IV, ‘cognitive upset ‘ can be compensated for at least partly ; the diagnosing therefore requires neuropsychological appraisal [ 73 ] . The per centum of patients with SLE enduring from cognitive upset varies among surveies. For illustration, an overall incidence of cognitive alterations in SLE of 55 % has been suggested [ 83, 84 ] . In four surveies, these figures varied from 21-35 % , [ 85 – 88 ] and from 43-67 % in two other surveies [ 89, 90 ] . All these fluctuations are due in portion to different cut-offs that were chosen for normalcy by these different writers. Furthermore some writers [ 91, 92 ] contend that the grade of cognitive upset fluctuates over clip, but this is disputed by others [ 88 ] . Two possible causes of cognitive upset have been suggested: little vas vasculopathy and an antibody mediated consequence on neural operation [ 85, 93 ] . Perturbations of the cranial [ 94 – 97 ] and peripheral nervousnesss – individual and manifold [ 98 ] , rete [ 99, 100 ] , sensorimotor [ 101 – 103 ] , and autonomic lesions [ 102, 104 – 106 ] , myasthenia gravis [ 107, 108 ] , and Guillain-Barre syndrome [ 109 – 111 ] , have all been reported in SLE, albeit with limited survey.Antiphospholipid syndrome ( Hughes syndrome )The ‘antiphospholipid syndrome ‘ ( APS ) was first described in patients with SLE ( secondary APS ) , but may happen in the absence of any other upset ( primary APS ) . In other words, the branchings of this syndrome extend beyond SLE, to all subjects of medical specialty. An emerg ing impression is the differentiation between CNS manifestations due to SLE and those caused by APS [ 112 ] . Some constituents of APS have been recognised since the 1950s, but the complete syndrome was non to the full described until 1983 [ 113 ] . Since so the categorization standards have been updated to include manifestations non antecedently distinctive [ 114 ] . Categorization standards for ruinous APS have been validated, and a world-wide registry set up to enter clinical informations for these rare patients in order to analyze intervention and results [ 115 ] . A description of the clinical characteristics of 1000 patients with this syndrome remains the largest of such series [ 116 ] . It is defined as the association of antiphospholipid antibodies ( APAs ) with arterial or venous thrombosis, perennial fetal loss, thrombopenia or neurological upsets such as shot and TIAs, transverse myelopathy, chorea and migrainous concern. Primary APS, nevertheless seldom progresses to SLE. One survey carried out on 128 patients over a 9 twelvemonth period showed that merely 8 % developed SLE ; where a positive antiglobulin trial was used as a clinically important forecaster of patterned advance [ 117 ] . The spectrum of clinical characteristics of APS continues to broaden with descriptions of nephritic arteria stricture [ 118 ] , metatarsal breaks [ 119 ] , avascular mortification [ 120 ] , and abnormalcies of vascular map [ 121 ] . Accelerated atheroma has become a major focal point of research in persons that have APS, with probes demoing cross-reactivity of antiphospholipids with oxidised LDL and early marks of arterial disease in these peculiar patients [ 121, 122 ] . George and Shoenfield [ 123 ] have termed APS as the ‘crossroads of autoimmunity and coronary artery disease ‘ . The contentions of intervention of APS remain, chiefly in footings of the sum of anticoagulation required to forestall perennial thrombosis. Two prospective surveies by Crowther et Al. [ 124 ] and Finazzi et Al. [ 125 ] indicated that a high-intensity government of anticoagulation, with international normalized ratios ( INRs ) above 3.0, were no better than conventional therapy with INRs of 2.0-3.0 in the bar of perennial thrombosis. This contradicted old retrospective informations. A farther survey by Levine et Al. [ 126 ] added drift to this research by proposing that positive baseline antiphospholipids in shot patients failed to foretell future cerebro-vascular occlusive accidents. It besides stated that everyday showing for antiphospholipids was non warranted. The survey has later been criticised as flawed, in that it was non designed to turn to the issue of testing and that merely one baseline measuring was used. Most physicians hence, still see antiphospholipid proving as being indispensable, particularly in immature shot victims.DecisionSLE was one time considered a rare disease with a universally fatal result. The past 20 old ages, nevertheless have shown that this upset is more common than originally thought and that it is treatable, with the bulk of patients now holding about normal life spans. One must be cognizant, nevertheless, that a patient who is diagnosed with SLE at 20 old ages of age still has a 1 in 6 opportunity of deceasing by 35 old ages o f age, largely from the disease itself and/or related infections. Reducing the cardiovascular hazard, which still claims significant loss of life, is besides of major importance. The neurological characteristics of cardinal nervous system disease of SLE are easy get downing to be unravelled, although there are still many inquiries that need to be answered. Delay in diagnosing, particularly in patients with low-grade disease, remains debatable. The staying challenges are in bettering the quality of life for these peculiar patients by bettering the symptoms of SLE. For illustration we will necessitate to develop biomarkers and neuroimaging trials for SLE – associated neuropsychiatric disease that have the ability to place the implicit in pathological mechanism and steer curative determinations [ 134 ] , which will hopefully ensue in more effectual intervention for this potentially dangerous unwellness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Google in Asia

PIB Case Discussion Google in Asia 1. What resources and capabilities does Naver have that Google does not? – Those two companies have same purpose and function. But in detail, Google didn’t catch up Koreans mind. Google prefer simple design with fast searching system for people whose don’t have fast internet or fast internet devices. But in Korean market, almost every houses are using super fast internet with chip price. And even countryside of South Korea is able to use fast internet. If American or other nation uses naver as a main page, too many links and advertising can be effect their internet speed.And Naver has more information that fits to Korean people who wants for the information. Such as Knowledge search, blogs, and cafe things, which make people gathering and share the information and communicating. 2. Why are the top two search engine providers in Japan foreign entrants, whereas in South Korea and China, it is a domestic incumbent that dominates th e industry? -People can proud of their mother company which gives lots of information and easy to use. But in Japan, those two companies are foreign companies and settle downed already in Japanese market. That’s why even it’s not Japanese company, people doesn’t care. . Does Naver have what it takes to succeed in overseas markets, such as Japan and the United states? -Naver is not just a search engine which give information. The reason that succeeds in Korean market was other functions, which can provide interests and make people gathering all together on the websites. If Naver provide similar function web site in Japan and US market, they might be successful. But before they jump in foreign market, they must consider of the environment factors such as internet speed and supply rates of computer thing. Naver is too heavy for people who don’t have fast internet or fast internet devices.

Friday, September 27, 2019

In property valuation,how important is covenant strength and how is it Essay

In property valuation,how important is covenant strength and how is it reflected in valuation - Essay Example Determining the financial capabilities of tenants is important since it gives clear details about potential or existing tenant who can be an individual or a corporate. The credit worthiness of existing and potential tenants contributes to the value of a property. It is therefore an important factor in yield adjustments. Firstly determining the strength has great importance to property owners. According to Fishers model, return on investment is a reward for liquidity loss, risk assumed, and expected inflation (Norman, 2008). Property owners also consider covenant strength to be an important aspect of the housing industry. Property owners are investors in the housing industry and therefore they assume risks. In addition, the value of rent is subject to inflation considering the appreciation and depreciation of property value. The variable enables property owners to determine the possible income from their investment for a given period. Determining tenant’s financial abilities also enables the property owners to determine their expected income or possible losses. The proprietors also need to determine the value of their property at a given time. The strength therefore enables property owners to determine their yield with a high degree of accuracy. Properties are common form of security for loans due to their low liquidity. Lenders also consider covenant strength as an important factor on their business. The factor gives the reward of liquidity on a property (Norman, Alastair, & Nicky, 2011). It also gives the possible risks in constant inflation. These variables are important to lenders since they enable them to determine the credit worthiness of a property owner. The factors also enable lenders to determine the optimum capital that a given property can secure. Finally, lenders also need to determine the return on liquidity in case they need to recover their cash from a defaulter. In such cases, tenant’s financial position proves to be of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Traffic Light Project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 14750 words

Traffic Light Project - Coursework Example 3.3.14 PCB board for Trafficl Light Controller No.2 Circuit.. 32 3.3.15 Traffic Light Controller Model (view no. 1) 32 3.3.16 Traffic Light Controller Model (view no. 2) 33 3.3.17 Traffic Light Controller Model (view no. 3) 33 4.3.1 Ambulance Safety Pass Traffic Light Simulation using Quick II Program. 37 4.3.2 System Block Diagram of Ambulance Safety Pass Traffic Light Controller.. 38 4.3.3 Circuit Diagram of Ambulance Safety Pass Traffic Light Controller.. 39 4.3.4 Insertion of limiting resistor between power supply and load... 40 4.3.5 Derivation of output voltage under no load and underload conditions.. 41 4.3.6 Traffic Lights Power Supply. 42 4.3.7 Power Supply Actual Circuit. 42 4.3.8 Recommended power supply for future projects.. 43 4.3.9 Remote Control Unit to activate and deactivateAmbulance Safety Pass traffic lights 43 4.3.10 Traffic Light LEDs........... 44 4.3.11 FAB Micro Controller 44 4.3.12 Actual circuits built for Ambulance Safety Pass Traffic Light Controller. 45 4.3.13 Model of road crossing and traffic lights... 46 4.3.14 FAB AF-20 Series Micro Controller.. 50 A.1 R-S Flip Flop... 52 A.2 Timing Diagram of the R-S Flip Flop.. 53 A.3 D Type Flip Flop. 54 A.4 D Flip Flop Symbol 54 A.5 Synchronization in a D type latch 55 A.6 Master-Slave D Type Flip Flop 56 A.7 D Type Flip Flop Finite State Machine.. 56 A.8 T Type Flip Flop Finite State Machine 57 A.9 J-K Type Flip Flop Finite State Machine 57 A.10 Edge-triggered D Type Flip Flop.. 58 A.11 Edge-triggered D Type Flip Flop with Preset and Clear.. 59 LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Basic Traffic Light Controller No. 1 Light Sequence. 8 3.1 Basic Traffic Light Controller No. 2 Light Sequence. 24 4.1 Ambulance Safety Pass Light...The third type of traffic light controller is for Ambulance Safe Pass Traffic Lights to allow safe passage of ambulances in both North/ South and East/ West directions. For this type of traffic light controller, a FAB intelligent micro controller unit is used to program the desired traffic light sequence that includes the ambulance safe pass sequence. The building blocks inside Johnson decade counters, astable multi-vibrator timers and the FAB micro controller such as logic circuits, flip flops, Karnaugh maps, truth tables and Boolean expressions are also presented in the Appendix section of the report. Traffic lights are an essential part of modern life, especially with the increasing number of vehicles that coincides with the increasing number of population. Traffic lights not only regulate traffic flow in the streets but more importantly prevent the occurrence of vehicular accidents. Roads without traffic lights are unimaginable. The traffic light controller is a sequential device that needs to be designed and programmed through multiple step procedures. A proper traffic light requires accurate timing, correct cycling through the states, and responds to outside outputs such as walk signals or ambulance safe passage. The objective of this report is to design and implement traffic light controllers for a simple North/ South and East/ West road crossing as shown in figure below.

Management in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management in context - Essay Example e union density is an expression of the proportion of eligible workforce which can be used as an indicator of the degree to which workers or employees are organized. Trade union density differ from geographical areas by the fact that it lays emphasis on level of organization of workers and not how they are distributed all over the world. Female are more likely to join trade unions because they have unique challenges that need to be address contrary to those facing the male employees. Such include maternity offs. Therefore they need such issue to be handled generally by trade unions. In servicing strategy, the members are like third parties to the trade union and they do not play active roles in them while in organizing strategy, the members are the union themselves by playing a very active role in it. Public sector employees are more likely to engage in industrial actions because they enjoy a lot of job security compared to those in the private sector. They are not under any risk of job loss even when they go on strike or other industrial

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Violence - Research Paper Example The result of this force is death, injury or psychological harm (Krug & WHO, 2002). This definition indicates the mental shape of the perpetrator of violence against the victim be it their own self or another person. The army personnel are exposed to traumatizing experiences during war time. This makes them develop violent tendencies. In 2009, the United States Army documented that the suicide rates in the army had risen fourth year in a row as of 2008 (Finkel, 2011). This was especially high in the marines and the army. The statistics paint a grim picture of the situation that the soldiers find themselves in. They are exposed to death, both of their friends, as well as of the enemy. This is bound to leave a mark on them. One that is difficult to eliminate. This thus causes them to commit suicide as a possible way of exorcising the emotions haunting them. For example, in 1990, the prevalence of spousal violence was at a rate of 19 for every 1000 military families. This further rose to 26 in every 1000 couples, in 1996, but fell to 13 in every 1000 couples in 2004 (Karmen, 2013). According to Karmen, the things may seem to be improving in the army, but these statistics point to a worrying trend as the civilian population has a considerably lower rate of 3 in every 1000 married couples. These figures according to Karmen may be even higher as these are only reflecting the legal spouses who live within the army bases. As for those living off-base, the figures are not collected well thus there is no comprehensive record taking. In 2011, the CDC reported that women sustained 2 million injuries from intimate partners. This means that as of that year, violence was affecting women in very high rates. According to the CDC, the total social costs from violence amounted to between 5 and 10 billion dollars. The victims of violence who were recovering lost about 8 million paid working days,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

ART - Essay Example The colorful background appears distant; a calm river is running through the background, attracting fowls thereof. The shadowed area under the tree contrasts with the soothing light in far wide open landscape; and the sunlight is blazing to highlight the tawny complexion and masculine contours of the Indian. Ground under the feet of hunter is filled with dried fallen leaves and fertile soil is mostly covered, thus giving a rough texture of the ground of a thick rainforest. This picture executes a coarse texture for trees, grasses and bushes, and the only well outlined object is the man; smooth lines carve his flesh with great details and visible parts of his body have a suave texture. This picture maintains effective organization of the subject matter (the Indian man) with the formal elements such as trees, river and the ground. This organization is achieved by similarity in color scheme of all objects present in the picture, but contrasting the background, from the man and the yellow tree through shades, spatial relation and texture. Just as the man is the center figure of the scenery; he is painted with details in form (such as prominent lines of his body, his apparel`s color and fashion) and he is also highlighted by his fierce skin tone enhanced by beaming sunlight. However the various shades of golden used in skin color, trees and rocks are giving an overall flamboyant demeanor, golden color use stands in union for most objects of the picture, except for blue sky and the river. The red and green rags on body of the Indian man are contrasting with whole picture`s color theme,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Creating and marketing a new product Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Creating and marketing a new product - Essay Example In relation to the present trend of this respective business industry, it can be viewed that customers are highly inclined towards buying handmade soft toys including souvenir items and stuffed animals among others for different purposes (Toy Industry Association Inc, 2012). In this regard, the primary purpose of this essay is to create an effective marketing plan for new product i.e. handmade soft toys, which could be legally sold in the UK business market. 2. Marketing Strategy 2.1 Market Entry Strategy An effective market entry strategy typically involves various strategic decisions in relation to various influencing factors of host country. The organizations in the present competitive business world tend to incorporate adequate measures while seeking to expand their business units into different overseas business markets (Kotler, 2001). In order to attain a large consumer base in the growing handcrafted or handmade soft toy industry, the initial stage of the play will be focused on analysing the present trends along with the demands of the consumers towards the respective industry. In this regard, an effective consumer analysis will be conducted, which in turn can enable the organization in identifying the desired needs along with the preferences of the target customer group in the market. The product will be marketed under the flagship of Toys R Us, one of the leading toy retailers which currently operate more than 1500 retail toy stores across different business locations of the world (The Toys R Us, 2013). Marketing of handcrafted or handmade soft toys under the flagship of Toys R Us would enable to attract huge figure of customers across the growing UK market. Additionally, the admired brand image and enhanced customer reliability can be duly considered as effective strengths for the proposed product, which can grasp the attention of the consumers in the long-run. 2.2. Target Market and Segmentation Strategy Targeting along with segmenting appropriate g roup of customers can be regarded as an effective strategy, which can facilitate the marketers to attain superior competitive position in any business field. Moreover, the marketers in the present competitive business environment are highly focused on targeting a particular customer segment in order to build a strong brand image in any respective industry (Goi, 2009). In this regard, the target market and segmentation strategy relating to the product of handmade soft toys will be focused on differentiating consumers into two broad segments. First segment would be targeting the children within the age group of 2 to 6 years in the form of delivering handmade soft toys to them and second segment will be targeting young adults through presenting handmade showpieces. This can further enable the organisation to obtain more customers in the UK market. 2.3 Marketing Mix Strategy 2.3.1 Product Product can be regarded as one of the core attributes for an organization, which depicts the image of the company and also ensures to predict its future growth in any respective industry and/or market (Kotler, 2001). In relation to the proposed marketing plan for handcrafted or handmade soft toys, the product would be focused on collecting exceptional soft toys and stuffed animals that are made from quality based materials and textiles in a fully furnish process. 2.3.2 Price The pricing strategy of a new product can be further considered as an essential factor, which can enable an organization to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Enron scandal Essay Example for Free

Enron scandal Essay A brief on Enron’s history ï‚ § Enron was formed in 1985 by Kenneth Lay after merging Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. ï‚ § In the early 1990s, he helped to initiate the selling of electricity at market prices, The resulting markets made it possible for traders such as Enron to sell energy at higher prices, thereby significantly increasing its revenue. ï‚ § As Enron became the largest seller of natural gas in North America by 1992, Enron pursued a diversification strategy owning and operating a variety of assets including gas pipelines, electricity plants, pulp and paper plants, water plants, and broadband services across the globe. (cont.) brief ï‚ § Enrons stock increased from the start of the 1990s until year-end 1998 by 311% percent, only modestly higher than the average rate of growth in the Standard Poor 500 index. ï‚ § However, the stock increased by 56% in 1999 and a further 87%compared to a 20%  increase and a 10% decrease for the index  during the same years. By December 31,  2000, Enron’s stock was priced at $83.13  and its market capitalization exceeded $60  billion, 70 times earnings and six times  book value, an indication of the stock  market’s high expectations about its future  prospects. In addition, Enron was rated the  most innovative large company in America  in Fortunes Most Admired Companies  survey. Causes of downfall †¢ Enrons complex financial statements were confusing to shareholders and  analysts by using accounting limitations to misrepresent earnings and modify the balance sheet to indicate favorable performance, According to McLean and Elkind in their book The Smartest Guys in the Room, The Enron scandal grew out of a steady accumulation of habits and values and actions that began years before and finally spiraled out of control. the combination of these issues later resulted in the bankruptcy of the company. †¢ the majority of them were perpetuated by the indirect knowledge or direct actions of Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, Andrew Fastow, and other executives, Skilling constantly focused on meeting Wall Street expectations, advocated the use of mark-to-market accounting and pressured Enron executives to find new ways to hide its debt. (Cont.) causes of downfall Mark-To-Market accounting: †¢ when Skilling joined the company, he demanded that the  trading business adopt mark-to-market accounting, citing that it would represent true economic value. †¢ This method requires that once a long-term contract was signed, income is estimated as the present value of net future cash flow. Often, the viability of these contracts and their related costs were difficult to estimate, investors were typically given false or misleading reports. †¢ While using the method, income from projects could be recorded, although they might not have ever received the money, and in turn increasing financial earnings on the books. However, in future years, the profits could not be included, so new and additional income had to be included from more projects to develop additional growth to appease investors. (Cont.) causes of downfall †¢ For one contract, in July 2000, Enron and Blockbuster Video signed a 20-year agreement to introduce on-demand entertainment to various U.S. cities by year-end. After several pilot projects, Enron recognized estimated profits of more than $110 million from the deal, even though analysts questioned the technical viability and market demand of the service. When the network failed to work, Blockbuster withdrew from the contract. Enron continued to recognize future profits, even though the deal resulted in a loss . †¢ Between 1996 and 2000, Enrons revenues increased by more than 750%, rising from $13.3 billion in 1996 to $100.8 billion in 2000. This extensive expansion of 65% per year was unprecedented in any industry, including the energy industry which typically considered growth of 2–3% per year to be respectable. For just the first nine months of 2001, Enron reported $138.7 billion in revenues, which placed the company at the sixth position on the Fortune Global 500. (Cont.) causes of downfall Special purpose entities: †¢ Enron used special purpose entities—limited partnerships or companies created to fulfill a temporary or specific purpose . †¢ These shell firms were created by a sponsor, but funded by independent equity investors and debt financing. †¢ By 2001, Enron had used hundreds of special purpose entities to hide its debt . †¢ The special purpose entities were used for more than just circumventing accounting conventions. Enrons balance sheet understated its liabilities and overstated its equity, and its earnings were overstated (cont.) causes of downfall Executive compensation: †¢ Although Enrons compensation and performance management system was designed to retain and reward its most valuable employees, the system contributed to a dysfunctional corporate culture that became obsessed with short-term earnings to maximize bonuses. †¢ Employees constantly tried to start deals, disregarding the quality of  cash flow or profits, in order to get a better rating for their performance review. (cont.) causes of downfall †¢ The company was constantly emphasizing its stock price. Management was compensated extensively using stock options. †¢ Skilling would develop target earnings by asking What earnings do you need to keep our stock price up? and that number would be used, even if it was not feasible. †¢ Employees had large expense accounts and many executives were paid sometimes twice as much as competitors. †¢ In 1998, the top 200 highest-paid employees received $193 million from salaries, bonuses, and stock. Two years later, the figure jumped to $1.4 billion. (cont.) causes of downfall  Financial audit: †¢ Enrons auditor firm, Arthur Andersen, was accused of applying reckless standards in its audits because of a conflict of interest over the significant consulting fees generated by Enron. †¢ Andersens auditors were pressured by Enrons management to defer recognizing the charges from the special purpose entities as its credit risks became known. †¢ To pressure Andersen into meeting Enrons earnings expectations, Enron would occasionally allow accounting companies Ernst Young or PricewaterhouseCoopers to complete accounting tasks to create the illusion of hiring a new company to replace Andersen. †¢ In addition, after news of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigations of Enron were made public, Andersen would later shred several tons of relevant documents and delete nearly 30,000 e-mails and computer files, causing accusations of a cover-up. (cont.) causes of downfall Other accounting issues: †¢ Enron made a habit of booking costs of cancelled projects as assets, with the rationale that no official letter had stated that the project was cancelled. This method was known as the snowball, and although it was initially dictated that such practices be used only for projects worth less than $90 million, it was later increased to $200 million. †¢ In 1998, when analysts were given a tour of the Enron Energy Services office, they were impressed with how the employees were working so vigorously. In reality, Skilling had moved other employees to the office from other departments (instructing them to pretend to work hard) to create the appearance that the division was larger than it was. This ruse was used several times to fool analysts about the progress of different areas of Enron to help improve the stock price. Bankruptcy †¢ On November 28, 2001, The company had very little cash with which to operate, let alone satisfy enormous debts. Its stock price fell to $0.61 at the end of the days trading. †¢ Enron was estimated to have about $23 billion in liabilities from both debt outstanding and guaranteed loans. Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase in particular appeared to have significant amounts to lose with Enrons bankruptcy. †¢ Enrons European operations filed for bankruptcy on November 30, 2001, and it sought Chapter 11 protection two days later on December 2. It was the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history (before being surpassed by WorldComs bankruptcy the next year), and resulted in 4,000 lost jobs. Sarbanes-Oxley Act †¢ The bill was enacted as a reaction to a number of major corporate and accounting scandals including those affecting Enron, Tyco International, Adelphia, Peregrine Systems and WorldCom. These scandals, which cost investors billions of dollars when the share prices of affected companies collapsed, shook public confidence in the nations securities markets. †¢ The main provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act included the establishment of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to develop standards for the preparation of audit reports; the restriction of public accounting companies from providing any non-auditing services when auditing; provisions for the independence of audit committee members, executives being required to sign off on financial reports. Major elements: (Cont.)SOX 1.Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB): Title I consists of nine sections and establishes the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, to provide independent oversight of public accounting firms providing audit services (auditors). It also creates a central oversight board tasked with registering auditors, defining the specific processes and procedures for compliance audits 2. Auditor Independence: Title II consists of nine sections and establishes standards for external auditor independence, to limit conflicts of interest. It also addresses new auditor approval requirements, audit partner rotation, and auditor reporting requirements. It restricts auditing companies from providing non-audit services (e.g., consulting) for the same clients. (Cont.)SOX 3. Corporate Responsibility: Title III consists of eight sections and mandates that senior executives take individual responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of corporate financial reports. It defines the interaction of external auditors and corporate audit committees, and specifies the responsibility of corporate officers for the accuracy and validity of corporate financial reports. It enumerates specific limits on the behaviors of corporate officers and describes specific forfeitures of benefits and civil penalties for non-compliance. For example, Section 302 requires that the companys  principal officers (typically the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer) certify and approve the integrity of their company financial reports quarterly. (Cont.)SOX 4. Enhanced Financial Disclosures: Title IV consists of nine sections. It describes enhanced reporting requirements for financial transactions, including off-balance-sheet transactions, pro-forma figures and stock transactions of corporate officers. 5. Analyst Conflicts of Interest : Title V consists of only one section, which includes measures designed to help restore investor confidence in the reporting of securities analysts. It defines the codes of conduct for securities analysts and requires disclosure of knowable conflicts of interest. 6. Commission Resources and Authority: Title VI consists of four sections and defines practices to restore investor confidence in securities analysts. It also defines the SECs authority to censure or bar securities professionals from practice and defines conditions under which a person can be barred from practicing as a broker, advisor, or dealer. (Cont.)SOX 7.Studies and Reports: Title VII consists of five sections and requires the Comptroller General and the SEC to perform various studies and report their findings. Studies and reports include the effects of consolidation of public accounting firms, the role of credit rating agencies in the operation of securities markets, securities violations and enforcement actions, and whether investment banks assisted Enron, Global Crossing and others to manipulate earnings and obfuscate true financial conditions. (Cont.)SOX 8. Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability: It describes specific criminal penalties for manipulation, destruction or alteration of financial records or other interference with investigations, while providing certain protections for whistle-blowers. 9. White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement: This section increases the criminal penalties associated with white-collar crimes and conspiracies. It recommends stronger sentencing guidelines and specifically adds failure to certify corporate financial reports as a criminal offense. (Cont.)SOX 10. Corporate Tax Returns : Title X consists of one section. Section 1001 states that the Chief Executive Officer should sign the company tax return. 11. Corporate Fraud Accountability : It identifies corporate fraud and records tampering as criminal offenses and joins those offenses to specific penalties. It also revises sentencing guidelines and strengthens their penalties. This enables the SEC to resort to temporarily freezing transactions or payments that have been deemed large or unusual.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Analysis Of The Perestroika Movement In Russia Politics Essay

An Analysis Of The Perestroika Movement In Russia Politics Essay As postulated by Tarasulo (73), Perestroika refers to the great political movement in Russia within the communist party of Soviet Union. The key player in the perestroika was the soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Basically, the essence of the perestroika was to restructure the soviet economic and political system. The concept of perestroika is greatly acknowledged for the end of the cold war as well as the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union. The significance of perestroika in historical and present politics of Russia is explicit. Initiation and progress of perestroika le to establish of more independent actions by various ministries as well as dismantling of soviet-era planned economy. The replacement of soviet era planned economy by the market economy was a vital development in Russia. Despite the various economic and social tensions brought about by the restructuring process, the entire phenomenon led to increased nationalism among the constituent republics alongsi de social fragmentation. This paper will profoundly discuss and analyze the concept of perestroika and its significance to Russia and the globe in general (Kushner 123). Mikhail Gorbachev had all along had a deep compassion of bringing change to Russian political and economic systems. This quest for change and reforms is very evident at his entrance into the corridors of power in the year 1985. At this time, Mikhail Gorbachev took the office of general secretary of the communist party of the Soviet Union. Despite the opposition given to his reform agenda by well established members of the party, Mikhail didnt give heart. The most significant move initiated by Mikhail was the introduction of democratization, which entailed the introduction of multi-candidate elections in the communist party. Based on this regard, Mikhail was very optimistic that progressive and dynamic personnel will take the vital positions in the party and government. His main focus was to ensure that, the right people enter into power and carryout his institutional and policy reforms (Cohen 54). At the initial stages, the reforms being postulated by Gorbachev received mixed reactions. Fro instance, conservatives had a strong criticism for the reform agenda being advocated for by Gorbachev. Despite this opposition, overwhelming support was also thrown to the process by the liberals who were very optimistic about the newly anticipated changes. The issue of multiparty system also took course without prior anticipation thus reinforcing Gorbachev ideas of bringing change in Russia. The CPSUs conference held in 1988 under the leadership of Gorbachev was an important development and progress in the realization of reforms. At this time, a radical reform was initiated by Gorbachev and his supporters which were aimed at reducing party control of government apparatus. The issue of multi-candidate for regional and local legislatures was also warmly welcomed (Mlynar 93). Advantages of the Perestroika The political and economic restructuring established in Russia under the leadership of Gorbachev had a lot of benefits to the nation, its people and the global community. To begin with, the concept of democratization which entailed multi-candidate had a lot of influence in the mode of governance in Russia. By adoption of multi-candidate in the regional and local legislatures, competent and focused personnel were given an opportunity to lead the people. This was a magnificent development and achievement to the people since a sense of democracy was established. Based on the concept of multi-candidate, a better watch and management of the national resources and national affairs was made more efficient (Cohen 54). Another key achievement established by perestroika involved the concept of reducing party control over government apparatus. It is sad to note that; the communist party had all the powers and authority of all government apparatus there being able to manipulate government operations. The party officials and the different legislators had enormous influence over government apparatus thus leading to enhancing of their own interests. As stated by Kushner (123), the concept of separating the party from the government was a brilliant idea and led to more transparency and responsibility in the execution of national policies. The relationships of Russia and the global community was also enhanced through the adoption of the new changes. It has been noted that, a lot of misconducts were being performed as a result of the previous system of governance (Kushner 123). The establishment of the congress of peoples deputies in December 1988 was also a key development in the government restructuring process. The new amendments led to establishment of a smaller soviet unions legislative body which consisted of 542 members. From this situation, all public organizations were accommodated in the new system. With this regard, it is evident that, perestroika was very beneficial in fostering political development. The issue of poor decision making and dictatorship evident in the Soviet Union and the communist party were abolished through adoption of these changes. Significantly, democracy and human freedom was adequately established through the restructuring process initiated by Gorbachev. An overwhelming support of the new systems of election was witnessed in the 1989 when the people expressed their democratic right to choose members for national legislative body. This was the beginning of democracy and human freedom as people were given the powers and freedom to choose their favorite candidates. Importantly, it was noted that the results of the election stunned the ruling elite. The glory and victory of a new era of governance ran throughout the country. The earlier lot of communist candidates who had been enjoying the privileges of unopposed candidature was astonished by the results of the election (Herrera 123). With regard to economic system, the perestroika had a lot of significance in overcoming the economic stagnation. This was achieved through a more efficient method of creating dependable and effective mechanism for accelerating economic and social development. The principles and core values of Gorbachev was to establish utmost respect to humanity as well as a considerable personal dignity. Based on these principles, the essence of economic crimes and corruption in the government was highly criticized and abolished. As a result fairness in distribution and allocation of national resources was enhanced. The previous scenario of excessive party influence to government apparatus was done away with. It had been made clear that, the communist party had been managing the government as its own affair; hence leading to excessive exploitation of national resources (Mlynar 93). Additionally, the abolishment of the soviet era planned economy and replacement by the market economy was a key achievement of perestroika. The soviet era planned economy had a lot of negative impacts on the economy of Russia thus leading to a very pathetic situation. Gorbachev advocated for a fast-paced technological modernization which was aimed at increasing the economic status. Industrial and agricultural productivity was also accelerated thus ensuring a favorable economic environment. A key strategy adopted by Gorbachev in fostering economic reforms was the improvement of the soviet bureaucracy so as to ensure efficiency and prosperity. A point worth of consideration is that, the economic restructuring was made possible through the reforming of the social and political structures (Kushner 123). One of the most celebrated strategies influencing the success of the economic reforms was on the concept of anti-alcohol campaign. The issue of alcoholism had grown to alarming levels thus calling for the need of change. To affect this policy, the prices of Vodka, beer and wine were raised as well restriction of their sales. The anti-alcohol campaign was very vigorous and significantly led to the decline in alcohol sales. The concept of alcoholism abolishment led to magnificent developments in the economy. Specifically people were more involved in productive activities thus leading to improvement in the economy. The concept of anti-alcohol campaign was warmly received and led to magnificent developments in the social and economic spectrums (Herrera 123). Perestroika led to significant developments in the economy and distribution of national resources. Basically, the vague and inefficient economic policies established by the communist party had a lot of negative impacts to the economy. In relation to this phenomenon, the soviet-era planned economy led to stagnation of economic developments. It is also sad to note that, the levels of poverty in the country were also high alongside very pathetic business environment. With the new political, social and economic reforms, the business environment was made more favorable. It is noted that, increased government support for the business processes was enhanced as well as the stipulation of better policies to counter the effects of uncontrolled business operations (Gorbachev 89). Another key achievement brought forward by the perestroika on the aspect of management of state enterprises. This was a great development which ensured that state enterprises operated freely so as to determine their out put as well as determining the expectation of the consumers. By so doing, the previous inefficiencies which accrued due to governments influence on the management of state corporations was countered. The dictatorship of government on the operations of the state enterprises led to numerous problems and losses to the enterprises. The concept of accountability and transparency in the management of state enterprises was established. This phenomenon led to increased profitability and improvement in quality of services and products offered by these enterprises. Additionally, the restructuring of the management of the state corporations led to recruitment of more competent and expertise personnel thus leading to efficiencies in the whole process. In addition, the issues of f raud and corruption in state enterprises was significantly reduced (Tarasulo 62). The benefits of perestroika were also felt in the global spectrum; whereby Gorbachev was very conscious in establishing and enhancing foreign affairs. Trade and relations with the west were enhanced alongside reduction in the tensions of the cold war. The contributions of perestroika in building global relationships are remarkable. In this case, the new political, social and economic structures led to more interactions of the soviets and western leaders. For instance, the relationship of Russia with Germany was improved thus making the two states to improve their business relations. British prime minister Margaret Thatcher is quoted saying that, she like Mr. Gorbachev and they can smoothly do business together (Herrera 123). It is important to note that; perestroika had a great advantage on boosting the relationship of Russia and other nations. The issue of nuclear weapons in the global scene was very sensitive and required swift actions. It is evident that, Gorbachev leadership led to increased negotiations and consultations in the international scene thus facilitating understanding among the warring countries. This is a big achievement of Gorbachev leadership and is acknowledged for his role in enhancing global peace and reduction of the tensions of the cold war. From these insights, perestroika stands to be acknowledged for its numerous benefits to the Soviet Union as well as the global community. Basically, the improvement in economy, social setup and the political systems are the key advantages of the perestroika (Gorbachev 89). Disadvantages of perestroika Alongside the numerous advantages and benefits of perestroika to the social, political, and economic systems, the phenomenon has also been criticized for different catastrophes. To begin with, there has been overwhelming criticism on perestroika regarding the turmoil which impacted on the economy. Basically, the anti-alcohol campaign impacted negatively on the economy. From the concept of government increasing the prices of vodka, wine and beer alongside restricting the sale of these products impacted negatively on the economy. The revenues of government were drastically reduced thus leading to a budgetary crisis. From the analysis of the situation, it was evident that the government lost a lot of revenues following the abolishment of alcohol sale. Significantly, the employment rates and job opportunities provided by the alcohol industry were cut down. The government lost a lot of taxes both in the form of direct and indirect taxes. The alcohol industry was employing a large number o f people and as a result of the new laws, all these groups were rendered jobless (Tarasulo 62). On the other hand, illegalization and increasing of the prices of alcohol products led to increase in illegal activities. There was a rise of smuggling of alcohol products across the borders as well as illegal production of alcohol in the urban and rural areas. Based on this phenomenon, the security status of the nation was compromised. This is because illegal production and distribution of alcohol products led to low quality of the products. With regard to this situation, the health of the citizens was posed to a very high risk. The concept of beer and wines being manufactured at home or in the slums led to avoidance of adhering to hygiene standards; thus posing a very high health risk. Additionally, increase in price of alcohol products as well as restriction on the sale of alcohol led to increase in crime. This is because the alcohol dependants had no option rather than involving into crime so as to get cash to purchase the products (Gorbachev 89). Additionally, perestroika was also disastrous process which posed the nation at a great risk. For instance, the concept of increased international relationships led to dependency on foreign countries. Soviet Union had an increased trade with Germany, America and British among other countries following the concept of perestroika. In regard to this scenario, any misunderstanding which may occur between these countries may cause severe consequences to the country. For instance a lot of industrial assistance and cooperation was established between Soviet Union and other western countries. The countries began to exchange a lot of resources used in the industrial fields. Specialization among the countries was also established due to the influence of trade. This phenomenon is a potential catastrophe to the countries economy and more so in ties of war or in cases of misunderstanding (Prem 126). On the other hand, the political restructuring of the soviet society had a lot of impacts on the nations stability. With the concept of democratization, the people were given more freedom to participate in political issues. As evident in the 1989 elections, the whole process was very vigorous. Despite the benefits of political freedoms and rights, increased political participation is not always good for the stability of the country. For instances, the issues of ethnicity and bribery are potential phenomenon in the events of political campaigns. Additionally, political differences and tensions are more easily to occur thus jeopardizing the national stability and peace. This phenomenon has happened in different countries and Russia is not exempted from the phenomenon (Cohen 54). Conclusion From the discussion and analysis of perestroika, it is evident that it had a lot of significance in the social, political and economic setup in the Soviet Union. The concept of perestroika is greatly acknowledged for the end of the cold war as well as the fall of socialism in Eastern Europe and Soviet Union. The significance of perestroika in historical and present politics of Russia is explicit. Initiation and progress of perestroika led to establishment of more independent actions by various ministries as well as dismantling of soviet-era planned economy. The replacement of soviet-era planned economy by the market economy was a vital development in Russia. Despite the various economic and social tensions brought about by the restructuring process, the entire phenomenon led to increased nationalism among the constituent republics alongside social fragmentation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Iranian Revolution And Khomeini Ideas

The Iranian Revolution And Khomeini Ideas The Iranian Revolution, also called the Islamic Revolution took place in 1979. It marked events involving the demise of Irans monarchy by bringing down the US-backed Shah of Iran, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi. The revolution placed Ayotullah Rohullah Khomeini in control of Iran. Ayotullah Rohullah Khomeini was the leader of the revolution and changed Iran into in Islamic Republic. Imam Rohullah Al-Musavi Al-Khomeini, in short, Ayotullah Khomeini, was born on September 24, 1902. He belonged to a family that had religiously strong traditions. They resided in Khumayn, located in the west of Tehran. When Ayotullah Khomeni was nineteen years old he went to study religious science where his education under notable figures exposed him to religious traditions, political activism and learning. He excelled in a lot of subjects but mastered ethics and philosophy. Though he is widely known as a revolutionary leader with a remarkable success in the political field, initially he was famous as a writer an d a teacher residing in Qom. Qom had a status dignified learning center and rose as spiritual capital in Iran. His area of concern was devotional and mystical matters. But from spirituality and mysticism, he never meant social isolation and political inertness. Instead he advocated energetic natural expression on the socio-political frame. His life indicates that an Islamic revolution has its roots in spiritual and moral realm. During his early years in Qom, his activities were in contrast with the establishing Pahlavi state by Shah of Iran, Reza Khan. Reza Khan changed the monarchy in Iran into a totalitarian dictatorship. His major objective was to wipe out Islam as a cultural, political and social power. Imam Khomeini not only witnessed these efforts of Reza Khan directly but also got news regularly from cities like Tabriz, Mashhad and Isfahan. All this deeply affected him. In the later years Muhammad Reza, son of Reza Khan became the Shah of Iran and continued the exploitive agenda regarding religious institutions. Imam Khomeini touched the political field for the first time in 1941 when he gave a political public statement in his book Kashf al-Asrar. In 1962 Imam Khomeini became the leader of Qom. His aim became to fight back Shah at a time when not many dared to do so. He announced his support to religious institutions. For example he lent his support to students who were protesting against the permission to open liquor stores in the city. After that he moved towards matters of bigger significance. In October 1962 he united with the religious leaders throughout the country and vigorously protested against the law allowing non-Muslim males and females to participate in elections to local assemblies. This resulted in building an alliance of religious scholars that would stand for the fundamental rights. In 1963 he confronted the Shah, who was trying to propagate reforms in economic and socio-political life if Iran. These efforts by Shah were designated as White Revolution. The White Revolution was a deceiving program constituted on six points. The real aim was to restrain the growing clerical influence against Shah in Iran. Imam Khomeini made public a strong and hard declaration in which he denounced the Shah and his Western agenda. He accused the Shah of violating the constitution, spreading morally corrupt objectives and compliance with USA and Israel. The Shah successfully got the clauses of this revolution approved through a fake referendum on January 26, 1963. The measures taken under the flag of White Revolution were largely perceived by the Iranian society as a dictation by United States. The goal was to augment Shahs wealth and power and sustenance of US dominance. Imam Khomeini denounced the revolution and exposed the aims and objectives underlying it. He preached lectures from Fayziya Madrasa that had impact in the whole nation. On March 22, 1963 the Shah sent paratroopers who attacked Fayziya Madrasa resulting in the death of numerous students and rummage of madrasa. It didnt intimidate Imam Khomeini much. Instead it ignited an unprecedented struggle directed against the blunders and wrongdoings of the regime. The attack was perceived as a symbolic action showing the hostile attitude of the regime towards Islam and the ruthless expression towards Islamic institutions. After all these actions Imam Khomeini came out stronger. He kept denouncing the Shah and his regime. He cursed the Shah for his authoritarian nature. He called him a puppet of United States and criticized his growing association with Israel. On June 3, 1963 the afternoon of Ashoura (10th day of Muharram according to the Muslim calendar) he denounced the Shah by calling him a wretched miserable man and warned him to alter his ways otherwise people will celebrate the day he departs from Iran. He was arrested because of that speech on June 5, 1963. This led to major protests for three days throughout Iran. There was disgust among the public against the regime and a shocking uprising took place. In Qom, Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad, Tehran and many other cities well equipped army of Shah trained by United States was confronted by defenseless demonstrators. It is estimated that some 15,000 pro-Khomeini protesters were killed by the Shahs forces in these protests. This uprising acted as a fulc rum in the struggle against the regime. Imam Khomeini became a national leader. He became an aspiration to the whole nation to stand against the Shah and the foreign supporters backing up Shah. He provided a rational and logical Islamic ideology. He introduced a political road map guided by religious leadership rather than by the secular parties. The uprising was curbed but the mass public and religious scholars could not endure the detention of Imam Khomeini. Demonstration continued all over the country and several religious personalities pressed on Tehran for his release. On April 6, 1964 the government released him, issuing a statement that he has contracted to abstain from any activity of political nature as a condition for his liberation. This was later refuted by him. He carried on his condemnation of the Shah and his regime with more vitality. In October 1964, the Shah proved his submission to the US by granting legal immunity to the US personnel. This gave the US personnel the right to commit all offenses in the Iranian boundaries. It was evident now that the Shah was a puppet at the hands of United States. The Iranian Majlis approved this measure. On the very next day i.e. October 27, Imam Khomeini wrathfully denounced this and called it an outright attack on the independence and sovereignty of Iran. Imam Khomeini was now becoming a serious nuisance for the Shah and his foreign supporters. All efforts to intimidate Imam Khomeini into silence proved futile. Hence an attempt to destroy his strengthening influence was made by sending him to exile. Therefore, on November 4, 1964 Imam Khomeini was arrested and exiled to Turkey. He stayed in Ankara for a while and than moved to Bursa. The Shahs regime was pressurized to allow Imam Khomeini to a better place than Turkey. The permission was given on October 1965 and Imam Khomein i moved to Najaf, considered by the Shii sect as a shrine city in Iraq. He took residence in Najaf for the next thirteen years. On the other side, the Shahs regime set itself free from the pressure they were previously bearing and thought that the religious establishment of Najaf will overshadow Imam Khomeini. But they were wrong. Not only did Imam Khomeini created himself as a sound presence in Najaf but also kept maintaining his popularity and influence in Iran. His public statements concerning Iranian development were smuggled and circulated in the country. He addressed the Muslim world and his messages were distributed in Mecca several times. He was visited by prominent Iranian and Muslim religious figures from time to time during his years in exile. He was never forgotten by the people of Iran. His name and his cause lived in the Iranian people. He was an inspiration for numerous religious groups and scholars who carried on building the foundations previously laid by Imam Khomeini. Unaware by many foreign onlookers, an Islamic association of immense span and insight was formed. It was understood that Imam Khomeini would come up as a leader and guide the Islamic Revolution taking place in 1978-1979. Though he was physically absent but he lived in the hearts of the Iranian people and was an aspiration to them. On November 23, 1977 a tragic thing happened. Hajj Mustafa, Khomeinis elder son, died unexpectedly in Najaf. He was assassinated by SAVAR, a US-instituted security police of the Shah. Imam Khomeini faced this grief patiently. This tragedy provoked the Iranian public. People became rebellious and this rebel turned into a revolution. On January 8, 1978 a government statement came labeling Imam Khomeini as an agent working for foreign powers. This invited a public outrage. Protests broke out in Qom which resulted in a large number of casualties. These series of protests combined the whole country in the revolutionary passion and continued till the summer of 1978. Imam Khomeini kept encouraging the steadfastness of the people and boosted them to attain their goal i.e. the demise of monarchy building of an Islamic state. The Shahs regime made another attempt to bring down the revolution by requesting the Baathist government of Iraq to expel Imam Khomeini from their country. The Shah thought this would destroy his base of operation and the revolution will lose its leadership. Imam Khomeini was never satisfied with the governments that have been ruling Iraq. He considered Syria and Algeria as a good option but no Muslim country welcomed him to stay and carry on his political activity. In October 1978, Imam Khomeini went to France and took residence at Nauphle-le-Chateau, which is situated near Paris. The residence in France proved to be very beneficial for Imam Khomeini. The communication became easier, international media also jumped in and he was able to address to a global audience. In December 1978, the month of Muharram also came. Demonstrations on a large scale took place in Tehran and other major cities aiming to overthrow the monarchy and replacing it with an Islamic state under Imam Khomeini. The Shah touched the extremes of brutality. The streets were flowing with the blood of thousands of slaughtered demonstrators, the people held in jails were tortured and abused, and the wounded were massacred in the hospitals by the Shahs forces. United States, Israel and many foreign states supported this. It seemed like a holocaust but this time done by the Jews. Despite the unflinching US support the corrupt and homicidal rule of the Shah was taking its last breathes. A substitute administration was made under Shahpur Bakhtiar and finally, the Shah left Iran for good on January 16, 1979. The public come out on the streets full of joy and happiness. People celebrated their victory. On February 1, 1979 Imam Khomeini returned to Iran and was welcomed by millions of Iranians at the airport. Throughout the revolution Imam Khomeini showed characteristics of high values; Spirituality, self discipline determination, leadership, compassion, asceticism, erudition, sobriety, political ingenuity and hatred of imperialism. He was undoubtedly the teacher and director of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In his lectures that were given in Najaf between January 21 and February 8, 1970, which were later combined under the title of Islamic Government (Hukumat-i-Islami) three key points come to surface. The need for founding Islamic socio-political institutions Obligation of religious personalities (the fuqaha)to construct and Islamic republic Islamic republic that takes self reform measures Imam Khomeini said in his lectures that a society cannot be reformed alone on an organization of laws. It is important that a power and an executor are present to ensure the law. That is why Allah Almighty not only provided an ordinance of law (sharia) but also gave a structure of government well supported by administrative and executive institutions. The last Messenger of Allah is a practical example of such a government. He executed the institutions in the Muslim society. The Prophet established the ordinance of law in Islam. This duty was later carried by the successors of the Prophet. It was the need that someone continues executing the laws and establishing the Islamic institutions in the society. It is very important that there is some executor of the social institutions and the law. Legislation if alone couldnt do much good for the well being of humans. The executor, known as, vali amr, is responsible for implementation of the law and the courts verdict. He said that the life of prophet is in itself a practical example of establishing an Islamic State. He said that the Prophet laid foundations of a government, implemented laws, established Islamic ordinances, and administered the society. He appointed governors, judges and also worked as a judge himself. He sent diplomats to different states, chiefs and kings, completed pacts and treatise, commanded the army in battles. In a nutshell, he performed all the functions required in a government. He appointed his successor himself. This showed the necessity of a stable working government even after Prophet Muhammad departs from the world. Imam Khomeini said that the ratification of Islamic law was not limited to the times of Prophet. The Islamic ordinances are permanent and hold practical value till the end of times. The Islamic system of government is not restricted to the old times. The taxation system, economic system, social system laid down by Islam holds its relevance till the end. A fully functioning government together with its administrative and executives bodies is compulsory. If the political system is repugnant to the Islamic teachings than such a system would result in tyranny, corruption, moral drain, anarchy and chaos. Imam Khomeini questioned the putting aside of Islamic laws to promote anarchy. He questioned the calling of Islamic Laws as old and impractical. Allah has not limited the legitimacy of his of the laws He sent to earth. Imam Khomeini hardly denounced those who believe that Islamic laws dont hold their validity anymore. Imam Khomeini criticized the western taxation system. He supported the Islamic system of through kharaj, zakat, khums and jizya. He said that those who do not support the Islamic system challenge the legitimacy and universality of Islam and the faith. Government was always considered a necessity during the time of Prophet and afterwards. Governments were made during the reign of Caliphs. Sharia provides us with sufficient proof regarding the need of a government in all times. Sharia is the embodiment of diverse laws covering all aspects of a society. The laws in this system are a complete guidance of to meeting the needs of all humans, dealing the neighbors, other citizens, races, relatives, children, marital and personal life, laws regarding peace and war, foreign policy, diplomatic relations with other nations, laws related to trade, agriculture, commercialization. It gives guidance about the constitution of marriage institution, the right procedure to contract it, the fostering of child in the womb, the responsibilities of the parents during the time the infant is nourishing and growing, the interaction of husband, wife, and the children. Islam offers a complete code of conduct for the humanity. It ensures virtue, morals and healthy economic and social relations. The ordinances and laws needed by man are all present in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. These laws will help in attaining happiness and making the state perfect. Imam Khomeini swore that the Quran has everything that a man needs. It is not possible to execute Allahs order without the formation of proper executive and administrative organs that would strengthen the establishing of a government. Imam Khomeini mentions some provisions to substantiate his argument. The taxation system introduced by Islam is not meant to feed the poor and needy only. They also build bases for establishing a grand government and bear the essential expenses for it. The example could be given of khums, which is a type of tax, and acts as a source of revenue for the treasury. It is believed that khums is levied on all natural resources, commercial and agriculture profits in an equal manner. It applied to everyone on equal terms as they have to pay one-fifth on their income that is surplus. This large income will serve the function of administering the Islamic republic and fulfilling its financial requirements. If this one fifth portion of the surplus income of Muslims is calculated, it will become evident that the imposing of such a tax is not for the reason of feeding the poor and hungry but for a larger cause i.e. fulfilling the financial requirements of the government institutions and its important bodies. Imam Khomeini emphasized on establishing a government bas ed on the Islamic taxation system which comprised of khums, jizya, zakat and kharaj. He said that the large budget provided by the income from khums, was for the reason of establishing a government that administered the Islamic domain. It was formed to fulfill the needs of people by providing the public with services related to health, defense, educational and economic welfare. Furthermore, Islam laid down principles for the compilation, safeguarding and disbursement of the income from khums. Any illegal take over or embezzlement of this income is strictly forbidden. The head of state and government members do not practice any privilege over a common inhabitant when it comes to public wealth and income. Another type of tax is jizya, has been made compulsory for ahl adh-dhimma, and kharaj is imposed on land that is of agricultural value. These two sources also add considerable amount of revenue. The forming of these taxes proves that it is necessary that a government and a ruler exist. It is the responsibility of the governor or ruler that taxes is imposed correctly on ahl adh-dhimma according to their financial ability and income. The ruler should also fix proper taxes on their livestock and agricultural land. Kharaj tax is also imposed on the land that is in the ownership of the Islamic republic. In order to implement these taxes laws should be established, institutions should be built, and administrative bodies should be working. Otherwise it would be impossible for such taxes to be carried out. The in charge of the state is responsible for carrying out these taxes honestly and aiming them for the larger good of the public. The rules relating the safeguard of the Islamic defense and order of the territory and the freedom of Islamic nation also calls for the establishment of a government. It is said in the Quran: Prepare against them, whatever force you can muster and horses tethered (Quran 8:60) This shows that a well equipped defensive Muslim force should always be ready and vigilant. It should be alert even during peace. Imam Khomeini said that if Muslims had acted on this verse a strong government would have been formed and preparations of a war would have been made beforehand. A small bunch of Jews would not have even thought to take over our lands and destroyed Masjid al-Aqsa. If the Muslims had fulfilled their responsibility of carrying out Gods orders and laws, and established a respectable and righteous government than all this would not have taken place. If the leaders of Muslims are true representatives of Gods laws than they would overcome all their differences and unite together as one. A bunch of Jews couldnt harm us then, even if they get all their support from US and other foreign countries. As it is said in the Quran, Prepare against them, whatever force you can muster this means that we should be well-prepared and strong and ever-ready against the oppression that the enemies will try to cause us. Unfortunately we are licking in preparedness, strength and unity and thats why we are suffering at the hands of foreign evils. There are a number of conditions of the law that are not possible to be imposed unless a government is established. The example could be given of blood money, which is used to support the deserving and physical penalties laid down by the law, which have to be supervised by the ruler of the Islamic state. These laws and ordinances remind us the necessity if a government and strong institutions that have the power which makes them capable to perform these functions in the best way. After the death of Prophet the Umayyads went against Ali ibn Abi Talib and started to cause instability in the Islamic state. They moved away from the formation of a government that has been ordered by God Almighty. They changed the basis of the entire government. The policies they introduced were in contradiction to Islamic laws and ordinances. The Abbasids and Umayyads pursued anit-Islamic administrative and political policies and established a government that was against Gods teachings. The government they established later on converted into a complete monarchy. Their government was just like the governments of Roman emperors, Egyptian pharaohs and Iranian kings. Imam Khomeini called them non-Islamic governments that have been carried on to the future. Both the law and logic tell us that such anti-Islamic and non-Islamic governments should not be permitted. The reasons are very clear. In a non-Islamic form of government the orders of Islamic politics couldnt be implemented. Imam Khomeini said that the non-Islamic forms of government are the system made by the infidels (kafir). It is the obligation of every Muslim to eradicate all the traces of such a system from their society and perish them. It is our responsibility to create a social atmosphere that ensures the education of individuals who have faith and virtue. But such an atmosphere is in total contradiction with the rule of the infidels and their illegal power. Imam Khomeini said that the corruption is Iran is the result of the kafir mode of government. The corruption has to be swept and the culprits should be caught and hanged. He related this corruption to the corruption of the pharaohs in Egypt. It is not possible for a faith-practicing, God-fearing and just Muslim to survi ve in such a socio-political situation. The condition leaves the individuals with two choices. Either he submits to the will of kufr and betrays God or he refuses to commit the acts that the kufr commands and stands against him to destroy the corrupt system. Being true Muslims we have no choice but to destroy the form of government that is full of corruption, tyranny, treachery, oppression and crimes. This is the obligation of every Muslim of the world, a duty he must accomplish to ensure the political Islamic revolution. The tyrannical and imperialist rulers have segregated the Islamic land. They have divided the Islamic umma into numerous segments and virtually created detached nations. The imperialists of Austria, Russia, Britain and others divided the great Ottoman Empire. This happened partly because of the incompetency and corruption of the rulers of the Ottoman. They took a wrong step y following the system of monarchy. The Ottoman Empire was a threat to the evil imperialists. They were afraid that righteous men will rise up and take control of the state and destroy the imperialism to its roots. Therefore after World War I the imperialists divided the Ottoman Empire into fifteen small states. The imperialists started controlling them with the help of their agents. Imam Khomeini said that if we want to unite the Muslim umma, if we want liberate the Islamic land form the claws of imperialists, if we want to overthrow the puppet governments than it is crucial that formation of a government that is in accordance with the Islamic laws and ordinance takes place. The establishment of such a government will safeguard the disciplined Muslim unity. He quotes the address of Fatimat az-Zahra: The Imamate exists for the sake of preserving order among the Muslims and replacing disunity with unity Imam Khomeini revealed the evil deeds of the imperialists by saying that the imperialists have appointed their political agents in the countries. They have imposed an economic system full of injustice. As result the people are divided into two distinct groups: oppressors and oppressed. The oppressed are deprived of the basic necessities of life while the oppressors enjoy the all the wealth through corruption and tyranny. The hungry oppressed people have tried to cut loose their chains from the cruelty of the overlords and their struggle has been going on till today. But the ruling class and imperialist government structures have hindered their way. It is our responsibility to rescue the deprived and oppressed. We should confront the oppressor. Imam Khomeini said that it is an obligation for Islamic scholars to thrive against the oppressors and let the not succeed in establishing a monopoly on the wealth resources. The Islamic scholars should fight for the masses and to save them from hunger and deprivation and stand against the oppressors usurping the wealth of the people. He quotes the following saying: I swear by Him Who causes the seed to open and create the souls of all living things that were it not for the presence of those who have come to swear allegiance to me, were it not for the obligation of the ruler-ship now imposed upon me by the availability of aid and support, and were it not for the pledge that God has taken form the scholars of Islam not to remain silent in the face of gluttony and plundering of the oppressors, on the one hand, and the harrowing hunger and deprivation of the of the oppressed on the other hand were it not for all of this, then I would abandon the reins of government and in no way seek it. You would see that this world of yours, with all of its position and rank, is less in my eyes than the moisture that comes from the sneeze of a goat. Imam Khomeini said that it is not the time to sit silent. The time has come to rise against the traitors, puppets of foreign imperialists, and tyrants who have the blood and sweat, wealth and income of the Muslims nationwide. They have snatched the prosperity from the Muslims. It is the responsibility of the scholars of Islam and all the Muslims to destroy this system that has enslaved us. We will overthrow the anti-Islamic governments to bring welfare to millions of Muslims by the formation of a government on the foundations of Islam. Imam Khomeini said that the rules and regulations laid down by Islam prevent the exploitation of the weak by the oppressors. If the anti-Islamic form of government prevails than the Islamic land will fall in the hands of the foreign imperialist powers. The people who rule Iran are useless. They are corrupt, tyrannical and incompetent. Therefore a revolution is necessary. An Islamic revolution is the only way to end this system of kufr. Imam Khomeini successfully preached these ideas in the nation of Iran and led to the Islamic revolution that resulted in breaking the chains of imperialist United States and Israel. The country fled into the streets to support his ideology, the righteous, faithful and Islamic ideology.