Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Review of an Academic Research Paper Literature Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Of an Academic Research Paper - Literature review Example Abstract: The purpose of an abstract is to provide the audience with a clear idea of the contents of the paper, where the authors describe the purpose of the paper, the research methodology used and a brief discussion of the findings, discussions and recommendations, if any. In this context, the article under review clearly brings out the fact that many previous studies on educational validity of gaming simulations â€Å"have been inconclusive† (Stainton et al, 2010, p.705). Thus, the authors inform the audience that their study has considered this aspect and it will â€Å"provide a foundation for future educational validity studies† (p.705). The abstract in this case, therefore, serves its intended purpose as per academic conventions. Introduction: Though the authors do not segregate and assign a separate section for introduction, they introduce the topic in the beginning stating that the study â€Å"proposes a methodology framework for assessing the educational valid ity of business gaming solution† (p.705). The authors further identify â€Å"total enterprise simulation† (TES) as a â€Å"credible learning tool† that can justify the time and cost invested by the students (p.705-706). Thus, the readers, right from the outset of the paper are able to understand the contents and take a decision whether to read the complete article or not, which is the purpose of the introduction in a paper. Theoretical Framework: The authors concede to the fact that â€Å"simulations are not an accurate representation of the real world† and identify this problem as the reason for their validity (p.707). Further, they also contend that the â€Å"knowledge and biases of the designer† also â€Å"distort† the learning potential of the simulations, which contributes to the difficulty and complexity in achieving the learning objectives (p.707). Their current study is based on these premises and the research attempts to find alterna tives to address these issues. The authors further argue that learners require sufficient time to â€Å"reflect on engaging experiences† coupled with motivation and feedback so as to ingest the learning effectively (p.709). Thus, they attempt to design a research methodology framework for addressing the problems in the â€Å"design, implementation, and implementation† of gaming simulations, through their study (p.709). They also feel there is an absence of a definite process for the design, implementation and validation of a TES and, therefore, they propose the need for the formulation of certain â€Å"theoretical propositions† and list them in the theoretical framework of the paper (p.710). By clearly bringing out the problems associated with the process of validating the gaming solutions in learning and identifying the specific theoretical frameworks to address these issues, the authors have clearly spelled out their objectives in the paper. Thus, from an acad emic perspective, the article provides the readers with all necessary information required by them to understand the theoretical framework on the paper. Research Design and Instruments: The authors propose a â€Å"multi-case study research design† that addresses the validity and reliability issues for the purpose of their study (p.711). In this context, it can be understood that case studies are effective tools for evaluating the

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