Monday, September 9, 2019

The Role of Women and Their Development in South Africa Essay

The Role of Women and Their Development in South Africa - Essay Example As the discussion stresses women's contribution to South Africa economic and political arena are increasingly being recognized, but more opportunities are needed for women to fully develop and demonstrate their full potential in this male dominated society. There are still many obstacles women have to overcome before substantial progress can be made on their behalf. In this paper we are going to test a hypothesis that in order for the women of South Africa to develop and take on a more hands on approach toward their future and their country's future they must demand and be given the right and opportunities afforded their male counterparts.This essay discusses that since the dawn of 20th century women of South Africa have been really active in the political and economic life of the country. They were active participants in different kinds of organizations including liberation movements which highlighted their importance in South Africa development. Trade union movements and their stri kes were the road to politicize women.  From 1920s women started to organize, by 1930s women trade unionists led the opposition. With the development of economy in the 1930s and 1940s women became urbanized which gave them power to organize other women and black industrial workers. Though their efforts were crippled by the legislation, they still led illegal strikes.  The union movement served the ground for women to arise as political leaders.

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