Monday, August 19, 2019

Flouridation :: essays research papers fc

Flouridation In 1931 at the University of Arizona Agricultural Experiment Station M. C. Smith, E. M. Lantz, and H. V. Smith discovered that when given drinking water supplied with fluorine, rats would develop tooth defects. Further testing by H. T. Dean and E. Elove of the United States Public Health Service confirmed this report, and stated that what is known as mottled tooth. Mottled tooth is a condition in which white spots develop on the back teeth. Gradually the white spots get darker and darker until the tooth is eroded completely. This was believed to be caused by fluorine in drinking water (Behrman pg. 181).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A strong uproar was heard when this was released and people wanted all fluorine out of their water. But later tests concluded that communities with high levels of fluorine in their drinking water suffered less dental cavities. Further testing concluded that at least 1.0 parts per million of fluorine could help to prevent cavities, but more than 1.5 PPM would cause mottled tooth, so basically a little fluorine would be okay but a lot of fluorine would be bad (Behrman 182).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1938, with this information, Dr. Gerald Cox of the Mellon Institute began to promote the addition of fluoride to public water systems, claiming that it would reduce tooth decay, however there were two major obstacles in his path, The American Medical Association, and The American Dental Association. Both associations wrote articles in their journals about the dangers of fluoridation of water supplies. The American Dental Association wrote the following in the October 1, 1944 issue: â€Å"We do know the use of drinking water containing as little as 1.2 to 3.0 parts per million of fluorine will cause such developmental disturbances in bones as osteoslcerosis, spondylosis and osteoperosis, as well as goiter, and we cannot afford to run the risk of producing such serious systemic disturbances in applying what is at present a doubtful procedure intended to prevent development of dental disfigurements among children.† (Yiamouyiannis pg. 138)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Despite these warnings Dr. Cox continued to promote fluoridation of water supplies and even convinced a Wisconsin dentist, J. J. Frisch to promote the addition of fluoride to water supplies in his book, The Fight For Fluoridation. Frisch soon garnered the support of Frank Bull. Frank Bull organized political campaigns in order to persuade local officials to endorse fluoridation. This began to apply heavy pressure on the United States Public Health Service and the American Dental Association. (Yiamouyiannis pg. 139)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1945 before any tests had been proven to show that fluoride reduced cavities, it was added to the drinking water supply of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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