Saturday, August 3, 2019

Pro-Life Essay -- essays research papers fc

Pro-Life English I 1 Abortion, when the topic comes up, it is usually something people do not like to discuss. People may tend to avoid this issue for fear of offending or angering others but it is extremely important that the horrors of this brutal practice be addressed. During the years 1965-1996 over 515 million babies have been murdered, this is if you add the number of chemical and surgical abortions ( This is what we need to understand: abortion kills and we need to know where it came from. The legalization of abortion started in Mississippi in the year 1966; it was used in the cases of rape. Then other states began to expand the use of abortion. For instance, if it was the case of rape, incest, or the fetus had abnormalities or if it could seriously affect the mother’s health. In the year 1973 the Supreme Court decided on two cases, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. These decisions now effectively legalized abortions for any number of reasons. 1976, things have barely changed at all, but some laws have been passed to somewhat protect the babies. In Missouri permission for an abortion now had to be granted from the mother’s parents if the mother is under eighteen or if she is married permission from her husband. May 12 1994, Bill Clinton virtually eliminated our first amendment rights of peaceful pro-life protestors by signing the law the freedom of Access Clinics Entrance Act (FACE). This act halted the right to demonstrate out...

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