Saturday, August 24, 2019

Political perspective to decision making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Political perspective to decision making - Essay Example Organizational decision making takes place at different levels. Most of the crucial organizational decisions entail distribution of limited resources in the various departments or segments. They are significant in the identification of the most appropriate way to share resources. Due to scarcity of resources, political actions arise making the decision making process to have a political perspective. Most of the competition is usually exhibited by the organizations while searching for leadership and personnel positions that influence decision making. Political influence in decision making creates differences in the organizational dynamics making power to become a significant resource. Power enables those who hold it in an organization to have a substantial control in decision making. This essay discusses the political perspectives in decision making and their main implications. Organizations are usually an alliance of several individuals who have personal dreams expectations, weaknesses and strengths. These alliances are the fundamentals of the political perspectives, whose existence is attributed to the presence of division of labor in the business. According to Pettigrew (1985 p. 42), â€Å"associated career, rewards and individual status are the core sources of the political perspectives†. In his view, the occurrence of interest groups usually originates from the existence matching objectives within the group members. On the other hand, the differences that exist in the organizational hierarchy amongst the different groups facilitate the occurrence of the political perspectives. Differences come as a result of issues such as the members who have been newly recruited in the group and the pioneers, and others such as the traditionalists and those who want changes to be made in the organizational structures. The variations in opinions between these groups lead to the presence of sub units that are charac1terized by

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